[Geany] tabulators
Jelle de Jong
jelledejong at xxxxx
Fri Apr 27 17:49:12 UTC 2007
Enrico Tröger wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Apr 2007 13:24:37 -0400, "John Gabriele" <jmg3000 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 4/27/07, Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:38:45 +0200, Jelle de Jong
>>> <jelledejong at powercraft.nl> wrote:
>>>> Just a comment, I would really like to be able to switch with a
>>>> short cut between tab 4 and tab 8 like is possible with mousepad.
>>> Ok, I'll go to add it. But I'm still not convinced that it will be a
>>> commonly used feature ;-).
>> Just curious: what is the Jelle talking about? The only place I see a
>> setting for tabs is in Edit --> Prefs --> Files tab, with "Tab Width"
>> and the "replace tabs by space" checkbox.
>> If it's just a matter of making the tab key work twice when you hit it
>> once, why not just hit the tab key twice when you want to indent more?
> He wants to switch the tab width with a shortcut between 4 and 8. I
> don't know exactly but I guess because he uses different source code
> files and some are with a tab width of 4 and some with 8. In general,
> it should't be a problem as long as all indentation is done with tabs.
Exactly, i cot a lot of mixed files with tab with 8 and 4 using a short
cut to switch makes my live easier! In my situation it is not possible
to just change every file to have the same tab with with a script. So a
fast short cut will be ideal.
> But when mixing tab indentation with spaces a fixed tab width is
> useful. I would prefer to not mix tabs and spaces and we hadn't to
> discuss this.
>> Not sure if this is related, but one feature that's useful for folks
>> who use all spaces all the time is a way to insert a real tab
>> character into a file (the only place I can think of where this is
>> useful is for editing a makefile). Can Geany do this? I don't see a
>> key command for it in Help --> Keyboard shortcuts, or Prefs --> Key
>> Bindings, or in Appendix B of the docs. If Geany can't do it, I
>> recommend an "insert real tab" menu item in the Edit menu. This
>> feature probably wouldn't get a lot of use, so I'd suggest it doesn't
>> need to take up a key binding. Incidentally, not sure how well that
>> would work when you have the "replace tabs by spaces" pref enabled...
> I already thought about that problem. Probably it is useful to use
> always tabs when we are editing a Makefile but an option to insert just
> a real tab is less filetyper specific and can be used more generally.
> I'm not sure at the moment.
> Regards,
> Enrico
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