[geany/geany-plugins] a84915: geanynumberedbookmarks: Fix README typos and add headings

Enrico Tröger git-noreply at xxxxx
Wed Sep 29 17:33:02 UTC 2021

Branch:      refs/heads/master
Author:      Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>
Committer:   Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>
Date:        Sat, 07 Aug 2021 09:16:28 UTC
Commit:      a8491516b6c7106a56c980a4a63b17d2e291624f

Log Message:
geanynumberedbookmarks: Fix README typos and add headings

Also add license information (based on COPYING).

Modified Paths:

Modified: geanynumberedbookmarks/README
37 lines changed, 30 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
@@ -1,16 +1,27 @@
-geanynumberedbookmarks is a plugin to provide users with 10 numbered bookmarks
-(in addition to the usual bookkmarks). It started out as part of the ConText
+Geany Numbered Bookmarks
+Geanynumberedbookmarks is a plugin to provide users with 10 numbered bookmarks
+(in addition to the usual bookmarks). It started out as part of the ConText
 feature parity plugin, which was split into individual plugins to better suit
 Geany's ethos of being as light as possible while allowing users to select
 which features they want to add to the core editor. The idea was taken from a
 Text Editor for Windows called ConText.
-Normaly if you had more than one bookmark, you would have to cycle through them
+Normally if you had more than one bookmark, you would have to cycle through them
 until you reached the one you wanted. With this plugin you can go straight to
 the bookmark that you want with a single key combination.
 To set a numbered bookmark press Ctrl+Shift+(a number from 0 to 9). You will
-see a marker apear next to the line number. If you press Ctrl+Shift+(a number)
+see a marker appear next to the line number. If you press Ctrl+Shift+(a number)
 on a line that already has that bookmark number then it removes the bookmark,
 otherwise it will move the bookmark there if it was set on a different line,
 or create it if it had not already been set. To move to a previously set
@@ -20,7 +31,7 @@ bookmark. You can choose to move to the start of the line, the end of the line,
 how far into the line the cursor was when the bookmark was set, or try and keep
 the cursor in the column that you are in at the moment (line length allowing).
 Only the most recently set bookmark on a line will be shown, but you can have
-more than one bookmark per line. This plugin does not interfer with regular
+more than one bookmark per line. This plugin does not interfere with regular
 bookmarks. When a file is saved, Geany will remember the numbered bookmarks and
 make sure that they are set the next time you open the file.
@@ -30,8 +41,11 @@ you want it to and re-apply this the next time you open the file.
 This plugin will also remember standard non-numbered bookmarks and restore
 these when a file is next reloaded if you want it to.
 You can alter the default behaviour of this plugin by selecting Plugin Manager
-under the Tools menu, selecting this plugin, and cliking Preferences.
+under the Tools menu, selecting this plugin, and clicking Preferences.
 You can change:
 Remember fold state
@@ -52,7 +66,7 @@ Save file settings...
     directory as the file. This allows the user the ability to synchronise the
     settings for a file along with the file itself across more than one
     computer. The default suffix can be changed by editing the numbered
-    bookmarks pluggin settings file. This will vary from OS to OS but will
+    bookmarks plugin settings file. This will vary from OS to OS but will
     always be "settings.conf" in a directory called "Geany_Numbered_Bookmarks".
     On my OS it's
     ".config/geany/plugins/Geany_Numbered_Bookmarks/settings.conf" in my home
@@ -64,3 +78,12 @@ Save file settings...
 Remember normal Bookmarks
     If this is set then the plugin will remember standard non-numbered
     bookmarks, and restore them when the file is next loaded.
+This plugin is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the
+License, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy
+of the GNU General Public License along with this plugin.  If not, see

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