[geany/geany-plugins] 57f450: Add shell script to add plugin dependencies into GTK bundle on MSYS2

Enrico Tröger git-noreply at xxxxx
Sat Mar 12 15:55:42 UTC 2016

Branch:      refs/heads/master
Author:      Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>
Committer:   Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>
Date:        Sat, 12 Mar 2016 15:55:42 UTC
Commit:      57f450475dcb48e74cf4df04401adc5478fddcfe

Log Message:
Add shell script to add plugin dependencies into GTK bundle on MSYS2

This is a helper script to easily fetch and extract plugin dependencies
on Windows using the MSYS2 environment.

Modified Paths:

Modified: build/gtk-bundle-from-msys2.sh
289 lines changed, 289 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+# Fetch and extract Geany-Plugins dependencies for Windows/MSYS2
+# This script will download (or use Pacman's cache) to extract
+# plugin dependencies as defined below. To be run within a MSYS2
+# shell. The extracted files will be placed into the current
+# directory.
+# ctags - binary for GeanyCTags plugin
+# ctpl-git - for GeanyGenDoc plugin
+# enchant, hunspell - for SpellCheck plugin
+# curl, glib-networking, gnutls, icu, sqlite3, webkitgtk2/3 for WebHelper and Markdown plugins
+# lua51 - for GeanyLua plugin
+# gnupg, gpgme - for GeanyPG plugin
+# libsoup - for UpdateChecker plugin
+# libgit2 - for GitChangeBar plugin
+# libxml2 - for PrettyPrinter plugin
+# gtkspell - for GeanyVC plugin
+# the rest is dependency-dependency
+handle_command_line_options() {
+	for opt in "$@"; do
+		case "$opt" in
+		"-c"|"--cache")
+			use_cache="yes"
+			;;
+		"-z"|"--zip")
+			make_zip="yes"
+			;;
+		"-2")
+			gtkv="2"
+			;;
+		"-3")
+			gtkv="3"
+			;;
+		"-h"|"--help")
+			echo "gtk-bundle-from-msys2.sh [-c] [-h] [-z] [-2 | -3] [CACHEDIR]"
+			echo "      -c Use pacman cache. Otherwise pacman will download"
+			echo "         archive files"
+			echo "      -h Show this help screen"
+			echo "      -z Create a zip afterwards"
+			echo "      -2 Prefer gtk2"
+			echo "      -3 Prefer gtk3"
+			echo "CACHEDIR Directory where to look for cached packages (default: /var/cache/pacman/pkg)"
+			exit 1
+			;;
+		*)
+			cachedir="$opt"
+			;;
+		esac
+	done
+initialize() {
+	if [ -z "$cachedir" ]; then
+		cachedir="/var/cache/pacman/pkg"
+	fi
+	if [ "$use_cache" = "yes" ] && ! [ -d "$cachedir" ]; then
+		echo "Cache dir \"$cachedir\" not a directory"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	gtk="gtk$gtkv"
+	eval "gtk_dependency_pkgs=\${${gtk}_dependency_pkgs}"
+	pkgs="
+_remember_package_source() {
+	if [ "$use_cache" = "yes" ]; then
+		package_url=`pacman -Sp mingw-w64-${ABI}-${2}`
+	else
+		package_url="${1}"
+	fi
+	package_urls="${package_urls}\n${package_url}"
+_getpkg() {
+	if [ "$use_cache" = "yes" ]; then
+		package_info=`pacman -Qi mingw-w64-$ABI-$1`
+		package_version=`echo "$package_info" | grep "^Version " | cut -d':' -f 2 | tr -d '[[:space:]]'`
+		ls $cachedir/mingw-w64-${ABI}-${1}-${package_version}-* | sort -V | tail -n 1
+	else
+		pacman -Sp mingw-w64-${ABI}-${1}
+	fi
+extract_packages() {
+	# hack for libxml2 postinstall script which expects "bin/mkdir"
+	mkdir -p bin
+	cp /bin/mkdir bin/
+	# extract packages
+	for i in $pkgs; do
+		pkg=$(_getpkg $i)
+		_remember_package_source $pkg $i
+		if [ "$use_cache" = "yes" ]; then
+			if [ -e "$pkg" ]; then
+				echo "Extracting $pkg from cache"
+				tar xaf $pkg
+			else
+				echo "ERROR: File $pkg not found"
+				exit 1
+			fi
+		else
+			echo "Download $pkg using curl"
+			curl -L "$pkg" | tar -x --xz
+		fi
+		if [ -f .INSTALL ]; then
+			echo "Running post_install script for \"$i\""
+			/bin/bash -c ". .INSTALL; post_install"
+		fi
+	done
+move_extracted_files() {
+	echo "Move extracted data to destination directory"
+	if [ -d mingw32 ]; then
+		for d in bin etc home include lib libexec locale sbin share ssl var; do
+			if [ -d "mingw32/$d" ]; then
+				rm -rf $d
+				# prevent sporadic 'permission denied' errors on my system, not sure why they happen
+				sleep 0.5
+				mv mingw32/$d .
+			fi
+		done
+		rmdir mingw32
+	fi
+cleanup_unnecessary_files() {
+	echo "Cleanup unnecessary files"
+	# etc: cleanup unnecessary files
+	rm -rf etc/bash_completion.d
+	rm -rf etc/dbus-1
+	rm -rf etc/pkcs11
+	rm -rf etc/xml
+	# include: cleanup development files
+	rm -rf include
+	# lib: cleanup development and other unnecessary files
+	rm -rf lib/cmake
+	rm -rf lib/pkgconfig
+	rm -rf lib/girepository-1.0
+	rm -rf lib/icu
+	rm -rf lib/lua
+	rm -rf lib/p11-kit
+	rm -rf lib/python2.7
+	find lib -name '*.h' -delete
+	find lib -name '*.a' -delete
+	find lib -name '*.typelib' -delete
+	find lib -name '*.def' -delete
+	find lib -name '*.sh' -delete
+	find libexec -name '*.exe' -delete
+	# sbin: cleanup sbin files
+	rm -rf sbin
+	# share: cleanup other unnecessary files
+	rm -rf share/aclocal
+	rm -rf share/bash-completion
+	rm -rf share/common-lisp
+	rm -rf share/dbus-1
+	rm -rf share/doc
+	rm -rf share/emacs
+	rm -rf share/GConf
+	rm -rf share/geoclue-providers
+	rm -rf share/gir-1.0
+	rm -rf share/glib-2.0
+	rm -rf share/gnupg
+	rm -rf share/gst-plugins-base
+	rm -rf share/gtk-doc
+	rm -rf share/icu
+	rm -rf share/info
+	rm -rf share/lua
+	rm -rf share/man
+	rm -rf share/readline
+	rm -rf share/zsh
+	# ssl: cleanup ssl files
+	rm -rf ssl
+	# bin: cleanup binaries and libs (delete anything except *.dll and binaries we need)
+	find bin \
+		! -name '*.dll' \
+		! -name ctags.exe \
+		! -name gpg2.exe \
+		! -name gpgme-w32spawn.exe \
+		! -name gpgme-tool.exe \
+		! -name gpgconf.exe \
+		-type f \
+		-delete
+	# cleanup empty directories
+	find . -type d -empty -delete
+create_bundle_dependency_info_file() {
+	filename="ReadMe.Dependencies.Geany-Plugins.txt"
+	cat << EOF > "${filename}"
+This installation contains dependencies for Geany-Plugins which are
+distributed as binaries (usually .dll files) as well as additional
+files necessary for these dependencies.
+Following is a list of all included binary packages with their
+full download URL as used to create this installation.
+	echo -e "${package_urls}" >> "${filename}"
+	unix2dos "${filename}"
+create_zip_archive() {
+	if [ "$make_zip" = "yes" ]; then
+		echo "Packing the bundle"
+		zip -r plugins-$gtk.zip bin etc include lib locale share var
+	fi
+# main()
+handle_command_line_options $@

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