[geany/plugins.geany.org] 1452a8: new third-party plugin: newline-plugin

Dominic Hopf git-noreply at xxxxx
Wed Mar 12 11:05:02 UTC 2014

Branch:      refs/heads/master
Author:      Dominic Hopf <dmaphy at googlemail.com>
Committer:   Dominic Hopf <dmaphy at googlemail.com>
Date:        Wed, 12 Mar 2014 11:05:02 UTC
Commit:      1452a8bf46d0b783aba6d6f03d2e12b7bf92e968

Log Message:
new third-party plugin: newline-plugin

Modified Paths:

Modified: content/newline-plugin.html
142 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
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+		<div id="content">
+<div class="section" id="screen"><p>
+<img src="https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/newline-plugin/screenshots/Untitled2_small.png" alt="missing"/>
+<img src="https://a.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/newline-plugin/screenshots/Untitled_small.png" alt="missing"/>
+<div class="section" id="overview"><h3>Overview</h3>
+<p>Displays CR character and displays LF character on beginning of lines, makes them selectable but not on triple click, auto insert or delete of line delimiters. Hides the line wrap marker, disables cursor blinking,((close geany to fully unload)) and other minor modifications that cannot be made through normal preferences</p>
+<p>this is the full readme file for newline plugin, a x platform</p>
+<p>cleans up the ending of files what a releaf.have you ever wanted to clean up the ending of files and make other things the way you want them to be.</p>
+<p>note that this plugin helps implement some of the "line operations"</p>
+<p>The main inspiration behind this plugin is because i like it better.</p>
+<p>this is an experimental plugin.since the implementation was not straightforward it mostly serves as a functional model and there is probably lots of little bugs;report for example any newline characters appearing out of place;probably different undo behavior</p>
+<p>mater of fact i can't really stand programming without this plugin despite its bugs</p>
+<p>cant be held liable for any loss of data according to the use of this plugin or variants</p>
+<p>please spread it across the interwebs starting from here</p>
+</div><div class="section" id="features"><h3>Features</h3>
+<p>automatically insert a new line if there is no selection and a character is inserted at left of LF or at right of CR</p>
+<p>automatically remove line delimiters if there is a selection and the rest of the line is deleted</p>
+<p>triple click doesn't include any line delimeters in selection</p>
+<p>selection fixed</p>
+<p>reload remembers selection</p>
+<p>so a line operation can be deleted or moved keeping the selection on a single line</p>
+<p>handle mixed line delimeters in the same file</p>
+<p>delete both CR LF pair if no selection and one is deleted</p>
+<p>notepad copy broke, cut fixed, drag ok- copy cut context only work in geany only, drag to left and far right</p>
+<p>the Newline hide function can be used to use regular expression search normally,and other menu items</p>
+<p>the features go along with the fact that the line characters really already represent beginning and ending of lines it is just showing it. the selection and auto features go along with how at the beginning of a file there is always an assumed LF character and an assumed CR character at the end, not only a file but any piece of text.</p>
+</div><div class="section" id="download"><h3>Download Files List</h3>
+<p>project discussion page on <a target="_blank" href="https://sourceforge.net/p/newline-plugin/discussion/">sourceforge</a></p>
+<p><a target="_blank" href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/newline-plugin/files/latest/download">newline-2014-03.zip</a> - these other 5 files expect to be placed with the external sources</p>
+<p>newline_bat.cpp, newline.c, newline_sh.c - source files</p>
+<p>newline.bat, newline_sh - build scripts for each platform</p>
+<h5>External Tools</h5>
+<p><a href="http://download.geany.org/geany-0.19.1.tar.gz">geany-0.19.1.tar.gz</a> - you will also need gcc compiler</p>
+<p><a href="http://download.tuxfamily.org/nppplugins/NppPluginTemplate/NppPluginTemplate.zip">NppPluginTemplate.zip</a> - you will need Visual Studio on windows</p>
+<h5>Compiled Files</h5>
+<p>includes two compiled versions placed alongside the other plugin files</p>
+<p>newline.dll - for Notepad 6.5 or later and Scintilla 3.3.4 on windows</p>
+<p>newline.so - for Geany Vellam (0.19.1) and Scintilla 2.12 on linux</p>
+</div><div class="section" id="dev"><h3>Development Notes</h3>
+<p>notepad is assumed to be unicode while geany and scintilla are ansi</p>
+<p>even though this implementation is only possible through the use of substitute characters,these characters are meant to replace their corresponding characters exactly</p>
+<p>reimplements cut,copy;copy and cut in the context menu can be used(in geany), not shortcuts--ignore this</p>
+<p>Scintilla can you find nested undo level to prevent syntax errors?</p>
+<p>clipboard editing is used for cut on windows only, and in the paste and fix copied menu items</p>
+<p>i guess an example of where you would be selecting eol chars and not: LF mode select full line and drag to end of another. else triple click then drag to beginning</p>
+</div><div class="section" id="next"><h3>To Do</h3>
+<p>display last 3 digits of line numbers over newline characters, maybe use ^ for LF and $ for CR</p>
+<p>maybe fix overwrite mode to never insert/delete</p>
+<p>add option to break lines BEFORE spaces</p>
+<p>remove background styling past ends of lines</p>
+<p>fix undo grouping-it keeps undoing by single character;also notepad on startup undo..is allin one,same with geany sometimes</p>
+<p>im really confused by the scintilla BEGIN/END-UNDOACTION commands, why not just like a separator. and i cant figure out how to use them</p>
+<p>try to look up keybindings for copy/cut and steal them</p>
+<p>make dragging text to a different location undo in one action--done</p>
+<p>try searching for closure</p>
+<p>maybe allow right click to change cursor position if there is no selection--notepad always changes it</p>
+<p>notepad only?dont change tab on right click</p>
+<p>make double click not pay attention to if a word is highlighted--notepad does this</p>
+<p>allow copy dragging adjacent--works in notepad new scintilla</p>
+<p>maybe make goto line widget automatic geany</p>
+<p>maybe make it so the document appears saved based on its content not just undo</p>
+<p>make clicking a function in the symbol sidebar bring you to the bottom of the function</p>
+<p>make autocomplete use rest of the word to help find a match;notepad have word autocompletion not suggest the word currently being typed itself</p>
+<p>geany autoclose parenthesis check for nesting on line</p>
+<p>make nested shell highlighting to highlight only innermost</p>
+<p>perform highlighting of comments backwards, both platforms. specifically, if there is a stray asterisk-slash ending c-comment no highlighting is done. so have it do that for the starting instead. this is of course because i tend to put in the starting one first, which highlights and stylizes the rest of the document temporarily. i believe this is more natural because i read the code left to right like a sentence. the program tries to stylize in that order as well which might make sense in other cases. im not sure and what it would take to make an exception</p>
+<p>it would be nice if scintilla set commands return the passed value, more like c language assign operator does</p>
+<p>undo for changing of line endings but not reload-done</p>
+<p>for auto insert insert LF first then CR--done</p>
+<p>allow type between characters(turn off auto insert)--done</p>
+<p>log instead of status for notepad debugging--whatever</p>
+<p>check selection after autocomplete inserted</p>
+<p>column select mode allow replacing LF chars since they are already aligned</p>
+<p>notepad save all remember tab</p>
+<p>probably the most bugs in dual mode</p>
+<p>change drag detect more specific in geany;other commands can "trigger" detection of paste and drag for example which will cause errors--partially removed check for relevacy</p>
+<p>leaving fake characters behind: replace(use .\r and \n. in search); rectangle mode by inserting after virtual space, then manually delete the characters</p>
+<p>allow regular character to be used as indicator(use \n. in search and the selection is not respected)</p>
+<p>move rectangular selection with arrows</p>
+<p>drag disallow selection to go between CRLF pair;adjust selection at end to make variables visible if not updated</p>
+<p>delete LF choose x--ok</p>
+<p>adjust drag to undo automatic conversion of line endings of paste;in notepad any paste is causing all line endings to be converted-try SCI_GETPASTECONVERTENDINGS, all settings will still convert in some way</p>
+<p>notepad doesnt use a separate scintilla object for each tab?,which i dont like as much but it probably saves memory(also it is suggested in the documentation)(it is slower cause it has to load the content and styles);notepad possibly wait to display until tab is selected--does, separate settings;</p>
+<p>i noticed that notepad is already kind of "flashy" on startup but without this it is noticibly more, so now it is only with save all function;also notepad activates two files for some reason and insists on displaying the second scintilla handle window quickly i mean seriously.at least its free.</p>
+<p>i saw no results when trying the character representation commands (introduced in scintilla 3.3.5)..also SCI_SETCARETLINEVISIBLEALWAYS is defined as two different numbers in different versions of the header file and neither seem to have an effect;</p>
+<p>...i dont know why, i thought it would be nested;</p>
+<p>try fixing clipboard with new scintilla object;bug copy line over line not triggered--done;what</p>
+<p>fix "smart" home key and end keytabulate</p>
+<p>..maybe even keep selection after paste,more similar to drag;also after undo uuuuu</p>
+<p>you could do something similar to this with spaces between words. no</p>
+<p>fix selection on enable/disable</p>
+<p>have drag adjacent not clear the selection;make dragging a selection to within itself keep the selection (on geany it is reset to 0;on notepad it keeps the pos but not the selection)</p>
+<p>maybe use SCI_GETIDENTIFIER to allow the source of each notification to be found</p>
+<p>finish documenting menu items like SCI_COPYALLOWLINE</p>
+<p>maybe make it so auto inserting newline doesn't if it already begins with</p>
+<p>ensure single character, be more line oriented so if there is three empty lines you can paste three lines and it will use the empty 1s or something</p>
+<p>geany SCI_PASTE causes crash;there is an issue on linux where if you copy something from outside then the plugin tries to use a SCI_PASTE command on a non visible scintilla object it crashes.;as a result, regular cut does not work in geany, but remeber cut copy in the context menu do work. also fix copied menu item can be used</p>
+<p>maybe on paste highlight half if it is duplicate for easy del.;probly notcause like in other apps</p>
+<p>auto remove line default to start not end, if leading LF?;when dragging line delimiters selections off;and dbl clck</p>
+<p>geany linux only, change drag to not use clipboard</p>
+<p>on windows the issue was an extra space getting copied SCI_COPYTEXT on to the end so there is a fix for it</p>
+<p>tryfuckindoin theshitwhere delay btwnb cut n pasye</p>
+</div><div class="section" id="known-issues"><h3>Bugs</h3>
+<p>scintilla column select mode doesnt fully work with line wrapping</p>
+<p>note that under regular operation on both platforms, changing the line ending mode and then undoing doesn't update the mode so line endings can get mixed(changing line ending/undo also allows mixed),or through the replace dialog</p>
+<p>breaks auto indentation and undoing of words(both platforms)</p>
+<p>visible line ending settings are not updated in the ui</p>
+<p>column selection mode/replace dialog multiple lines puts in extra newlines--catches error</p>
+<p>word count and sel in status bar of geany, and summary menu in notepad, is about doubled. in notepad sel in status bar is not shown because like rectangle mode is not counted.</p>
+<p>column select mode: make a thin select and delete doesn't insert extra spaces, initially selecting half doesn't, enter does</p>
+<p>reload doesn't remember selection on notepad,reload remembers selection but not first visible line on geany-there is a fix but it is too slow</p>
+<p>dragging to after a CR or before LF the selection is cleared(fix especially for line)--fixed</p>
+<p>replacin all is changin the selection(regular i guess)</p>
+<p>if you hold the mouse down near a styled character it may blink because the selection is redrawn</p>
+<p>CR mode select from whole line with leading not removed--fixed</p>
+<p>no auto ins when failed drag?</p>
+<p>dragging to beginning of line/auto ins and del both</p>
+<p>drag whole line to end of same line broke because it does it before sc_notify so change it;in LF mode dragging the rest of a line to before the LF at the start of it messes up because auto_del should actually be done after auto_ins but its probably easier. same for CR.</p>
+<p>auto remove got caught between CRLF</p>
+<p>CRLF mode, copy dragging a whole line removes an LF from original line</p>
+<h5>Geany specific</h5>
+<p>for example if changes are made, then disabled, then undo, all the locations will be wrong--so the plugin should be in the same state before using undo------or Newline hide</p>
+<p>can't drag to the right of selection within another length of the selection,because of scintilla version;related (LF mode)drag a line,keeping the selection on one line, to the end of itself but before the next line,it acts like it was typed before itself</p>
+<p>for example replacing a full selection treated like drag?</p>
+<p>dragging far right will use the clipboard in geany on linux</p>
+<p>make it so the mouse area for dragging selected text is the same as the visible selection--currently it is off by half a character--(fixed in a newer version of geany)</p>
+<p>geany word count- doesnt count lines when in CR mode(current)</p>
+<h5>Notepad specific</h5>
+<p>notepad if you convert eol then reload scintilla line mode is not reset except if you for example switch tabs and switch back</p>
+<p>in CRLF mode insert blank line above current menu item is broken and it doesnt update the column</p>
+<p>the plugin doesn't work until a file is read from disk, not if only new unsaved files are open on startup</p>
+<p>notepad word select was hidden accidentally</p>
+	</div>
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: index.php
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
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 			<li><a href="djynn.html">Djynn</a></li>
 			<li><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geanyeasyunicodeinput/">GeanyEasyUnicodeInput</a></li>
 			<li><a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/geanyhighlightselectedword/">GeanyHighlightSelectedWord</a></li>
+			<li><a href="newline-plugin.html">Newline Plugin</a></li>
 		<hr />

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