[geany/geany-plugins] 6b38f2: Update geanymacro/src/geanymacro.c
git-noreply at xxxxx
Sat Feb 11 10:49:58 UTC 2012
Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: WilliamFraser <william.fraser at virgin.net>
Committer: WilliamFraser <william.fraser at virgin.net>
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2012 10:49:58
Commit: 6b38f210928094fe569b866278809ebf1c872396
Log Message:
Update geanymacro/src/geanymacro.c
Modified Paths:
Modified: geanymacro/src/geanymacro.c
174 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
@@ -55,103 +55,103 @@
/* list of editor messages this plugin can handle & a description */
const MacroDetailEntry MacroDetails[]={
-{SCI_CUT,_("Cut to Clipboard")},
-{SCI_COPY,_("Copy to Clipboard")},
-{SCI_PASTE,_("Paste from Clipboard")},
-{SCI_LINECUT,_("Cut current line to Clipboard")},
-{SCI_LINECOPY,_("Copy current line to Clipboard")},
-{SCI_DELETEBACK,_("Delete character to the left")},
-{SCI_CLEAR,_("Delete character to the right")},
-{SCI_DELETEBACKNOTLINE,_("Delete character to the left (but not newline)")},
-{SCI_DELWORDLEFT,_("Delete up to start of word to the Left")},
-{SCI_DELWORDRIGHT,_("Delete up to start of word to the Right")},
-{SCI_DELWORDRIGHTEND,_("Delete up to end of word to the Right")},
-{SCI_DELLINELEFT,_("Delete to begining of line")},
-{SCI_DELLINERIGHT,_("Delete to end of line")},
-{SCI_LINEDELETE,_("Delete current line")},
-{SCI_BACKTAB,_("Backwards Tab (deletes tab if nothing after it)")},
-{SCI_LINESCROLLDOWN,_("Scroll Display down a line")},
-{SCI_LINESCROLLUP,_("Scroll Display up a line")},
-{SCI_ZOOMIN,_("Zoom view in")},
-{SCI_ZOOMOUT,_("Zoom view out")},
-{SCI_LINEDOWN,_("Move Cursor Down")},
-{SCI_LINEUP,_("Move Cursor Up")},
-{SCI_CHARLEFT,_("Move Cursor Left")},
-{SCI_CHARRIGHT,_("Move Cursor Right")},
-{SCI_WORDLEFT,_("Move Cursor to start of Word to the Left")},
-{SCI_WORDRIGHT,_("Move Cursor to start of Word to the Right")},
-{SCI_WORDPARTLEFT,_("Move Cursor to start of Part of Word to the Left")},
-{SCI_WORDPARTRIGHT,_("Move Cursor to start of Part of Word to the Right")},
-{SCI_HOME,_("Move Cursor to start of line")},
-{SCI_LINEEND,_("Move Cursor to end of line")},
-{SCI_DOCUMENTSTART,_("Move Cursor to 1st line of Document")},
-{SCI_DOCUMENTEND,_("Move Cursor to last line of document")},
-{SCI_PAGEUP,_("Move Cursor up one Page")},
-{SCI_PAGEDOWN,_("Move Cursor down one Page")},
-{SCI_HOMEDISPLAY,_("Move Cursor to fist visible character")},
-{SCI_LINEENDDISPLAY,_("Move Cursor to last visible character")},
-{SCI_VCHOME,_("Move Cursor to 1st non-whitespace character of line, or 1st character of line if\
+{SCI_CUT,N_("Cut to Clipboard")},
+{SCI_COPY,N_("Copy to Clipboard")},
+{SCI_PASTE,N_("Paste from Clipboard")},
+{SCI_LINECUT,N_("Cut current line to Clipboard")},
+{SCI_LINECOPY,N_("Copy current line to Clipboard")},
+{SCI_DELETEBACK,N_("Delete character to the left")},
+{SCI_CLEAR,N_("Delete character to the right")},
+{SCI_DELETEBACKNOTLINE,N_("Delete character to the left (but not newline)")},
+{SCI_DELWORDLEFT,N_("Delete up to start of word to the Left")},
+{SCI_DELWORDRIGHT,N_("Delete up to start of word to the Right")},
+{SCI_DELWORDRIGHTEND,N_("Delete up to end of word to the Right")},
+{SCI_DELLINELEFT,N_("Delete to begining of line")},
+{SCI_DELLINERIGHT,N_("Delete to end of line")},
+{SCI_LINEDELETE,N_("Delete current line")},
+{SCI_BACKTAB,N_("Backwards Tab (deletes tab if nothing after it)")},
+{SCI_LINESCROLLDOWN,N_("Scroll Display down a line")},
+{SCI_LINESCROLLUP,N_("Scroll Display up a line")},
+{SCI_ZOOMIN,N_("Zoom view in")},
+{SCI_ZOOMOUT,N_("Zoom view out")},
+{SCI_LINEDOWN,N_("Move Cursor Down")},
+{SCI_LINEUP,N_("Move Cursor Up")},
+{SCI_CHARLEFT,N_("Move Cursor Left")},
+{SCI_CHARRIGHT,N_("Move Cursor Right")},
+{SCI_WORDLEFT,N_("Move Cursor to start of Word to the Left")},
+{SCI_WORDRIGHT,N_("Move Cursor to start of Word to the Right")},
+{SCI_WORDPARTLEFT,N_("Move Cursor to start of Part of Word to the Left")},
+{SCI_WORDPARTRIGHT,N_("Move Cursor to start of Part of Word to the Right")},
+{SCI_HOME,N_("Move Cursor to start of line")},
+{SCI_LINEEND,N_("Move Cursor to end of line")},
+{SCI_DOCUMENTSTART,N_("Move Cursor to 1st line of Document")},
+{SCI_DOCUMENTEND,N_("Move Cursor to last line of document")},
+{SCI_PAGEUP,N_("Move Cursor up one Page")},
+{SCI_PAGEDOWN,N_("Move Cursor down one Page")},
+{SCI_HOMEDISPLAY,N_("Move Cursor to fist visible character")},
+{SCI_LINEENDDISPLAY,N_("Move Cursor to last visible character")},
+{SCI_VCHOME,N_("Move Cursor to 1st non-whitespace character of line, or 1st character of line if\
already at 1st non-whitespace character")},
-{SCI_PARADOWN,_("Move Cursor to begining of next paragraph")},
-{SCI_PARAUP,_("Move Cursor up to beginning of current/previous paragraph")},
-{SCI_WORDLEFTEND,_("Move Cursor to end of Word to the Left")},
-{SCI_WORDRIGHTEND,_("Move Cursor to end of Word to the Right")},
-{SCI_LINEDOWNEXTEND,_("Move Selection down a line")},
-{SCI_LINEUPEXTEND,_("Move Selection up a line")},
-{SCI_CHARLEFTEXTEND,_("Move Selection Left a line")},
-{SCI_CHARRIGHTEXTEND,_("Move Selection Right a line")},
-{SCI_WORDLEFTEXTEND,_("Move Selection to start of Word to the Left")},
-{SCI_WORDRIGHTEXTEND,_("Move Selection to start of Word to the Right")},
-{SCI_WORDPARTLEFTEXTEND,_("Move Selection to start of Part of Word to the Left")},
-{SCI_WORDPARTRIGHTEXTEND,_("Move Selection to start of Part of Word to the Right")},
-{SCI_HOMEEXTEND,_("Move Selection to start of line")},
-{SCI_LINEENDEXTEND,_("Move Selection to end of line")},
-{SCI_DOCUMENTSTARTEXTEND,_("Move Selection to start of document")},
-{SCI_DOCUMENTENDEXTEND,_("Move Selection to end of document")},
-{SCI_PAGEUPEXTEND,_("Move Selection up one Page")},
-{SCI_PAGEDOWNEXTEND,_("Move Selection down one Page")},
-{SCI_HOMEDISPLAYEXTEND,_("Move Selection to fist visible character")},
-{SCI_LINEENDDISPLAYEXTEND,_("Move Selection to last visible character")},
-{SCI_VCHOMEEXTEND,_("Move Selection to 1st non-whitespace character of line, or 1st character of\
+{SCI_PARADOWN,N_("Move Cursor to begining of next paragraph")},
+{SCI_PARAUP,N_("Move Cursor up to beginning of current/previous paragraph")},
+{SCI_WORDLEFTEND,N_("Move Cursor to end of Word to the Left")},
+{SCI_WORDRIGHTEND,N_("Move Cursor to end of Word to the Right")},
+{SCI_LINEDOWNEXTEND,N_("Move Selection down a line")},
+{SCI_LINEUPEXTEND,N_("Move Selection up a line")},
+{SCI_CHARLEFTEXTEND,N_("Move Selection Left a line")},
+{SCI_CHARRIGHTEXTEND,N_("Move Selection Right a line")},
+{SCI_WORDLEFTEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to start of Word to the Left")},
+{SCI_WORDRIGHTEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to start of Word to the Right")},
+{SCI_WORDPARTLEFTEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to start of Part of Word to the Left")},
+{SCI_WORDPARTRIGHTEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to start of Part of Word to the Right")},
+{SCI_HOMEEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to start of line")},
+{SCI_LINEENDEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to end of line")},
+{SCI_DOCUMENTSTARTEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to start of document")},
+{SCI_DOCUMENTENDEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to end of document")},
+{SCI_PAGEUPEXTEND,N_("Move Selection up one Page")},
+{SCI_PAGEDOWNEXTEND,N_("Move Selection down one Page")},
+{SCI_HOMEDISPLAYEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to fist visible character")},
+{SCI_LINEENDDISPLAYEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to last visible character")},
+{SCI_VCHOMEEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to 1st non-whitespace character of line, or 1st character of\
line if already at 1st non-whitespace character")},
-{SCI_PARADOWNEXTEND,_("Move Selection to begining of next paragraph")},
-{SCI_PARAUPEXTEND,_("Move Selection up to beginning of current/previous paragraph")},
-{SCI_WORDLEFTENDEXTEND,_("Move Selection to end of Word to the Left")},
-{SCI_WORDRIGHTENDEXTEND,_("Move Selection to end of Word to the Right")},
-{SCI_LINEDOWNRECTEXTEND,_("Move Rectangular Selection down a line")},
-{SCI_LINEUPRECTEXTEND,_("Move Rectangular Selection up a line")},
-{SCI_CHARLEFTRECTEXTEND,_("Move Rectangular Selection Left a line")},
-{SCI_CHARRIGHTRECTEXTEND,_("Move Rectangular Selection Right a line")},
-{SCI_HOMERECTEXTEND,_("Move Rectangular Selection to start of line")},
-{SCI_LINEENDRECTEXTEND,_("Move Rectangular Selection to end of line")},
-{SCI_PAGEUPRECTEXTEND,_("Move Rectangular Selection up one Page")},
-{SCI_PAGEDOWNRECTEXTEND,_("Move Rectangular Selection down one Page")},
-{SCI_VCHOMERECTEXTEND,_("Move Rectangular Selection to 1st non-whitespace character of line, or 1st\
+{SCI_PARADOWNEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to begining of next paragraph")},
+{SCI_PARAUPEXTEND,N_("Move Selection up to beginning of current/previous paragraph")},
+{SCI_WORDLEFTENDEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to end of Word to the Left")},
+{SCI_WORDRIGHTENDEXTEND,N_("Move Selection to end of Word to the Right")},
+{SCI_LINEDOWNRECTEXTEND,N_("Move Rectangular Selection down a line")},
+{SCI_LINEUPRECTEXTEND,N_("Move Rectangular Selection up a line")},
+{SCI_CHARLEFTRECTEXTEND,N_("Move Rectangular Selection Left a line")},
+{SCI_CHARRIGHTRECTEXTEND,N_("Move Rectangular Selection Right a line")},
+{SCI_HOMERECTEXTEND,N_("Move Rectangular Selection to start of line")},
+{SCI_LINEENDRECTEXTEND,N_("Move Rectangular Selection to end of line")},
+{SCI_PAGEUPRECTEXTEND,N_("Move Rectangular Selection up one Page")},
+{SCI_PAGEDOWNRECTEXTEND,N_("Move Rectangular Selection down one Page")},
+{SCI_VCHOMERECTEXTEND,N_("Move Rectangular Selection to 1st non-whitespace character of line, or 1st\
character of line if already at 1st non-whitespace character")},
-{SCI_CANCEL,_("Cancel Selection")},
+{SCI_CANCEL,N_("Cancel Selection")},
-{SCI_EDITTOGGLEOVERTYPE,_("Toggle Insert/Overwrite mode")},
+{SCI_EDITTOGGLEOVERTYPE,N_("Toggle Insert/Overwrite mode")},
-{SCI_REPLACESEL,_("Insert/replace with \"\"")},
+{SCI_REPLACESEL,N_("Insert/replace with \"\"")},
-{SCI_LINETRANSPOSE,_("Swap current line wih one above")},
-{SCI_LOWERCASE,_("Change selected text to lowercase")},
-{SCI_UPPERCASE,_("Change selected text to uppercase")},
+{SCI_LINETRANSPOSE,N_("Swap current line wih one above")},
+{SCI_LOWERCASE,N_("Change selected text to lowercase")},
+{SCI_UPPERCASE,N_("Change selected text to uppercase")},
-{SCI_LINEDUPLICATE,_("Insert duplicate of current line below")},
-{SCI_SELECTIONDUPLICATE,_("Insert duplicate of selected text after selection. If nothing selected,\
+{SCI_LINEDUPLICATE,N_("Insert duplicate of current line below")},
+{SCI_SELECTIONDUPLICATE,N_("Insert duplicate of selected text after selection. If nothing selected,\
duplicate line")},
/* editor commands that don't seem to work well in editing
- * {SCI_FORMFEED,_("FormFeed")},
+ * {SCI_FORMFEED,N_("FormFeed")},
* other commands ommited as they don't appear to do anything different to existing commands
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ enum GEANY_MACRO_BUTTON {
PLUGIN_SET_INFO(_("Macros"),_("Macros for Geany"),
- "0.1","William Fraser <william.fraser at virgin.net>");
+ "1.0","William Fraser <william.fraser at virgin.net>");
/* Plugin user alterable settings */
static gboolean bSaveMacros=TRUE;
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