SF.net SVN: geany-plugins:[1906] trunk/geany-plugins/debugger/src/dbm_bash. c

cesspit at users.sourceforge.net cesspit at xxxxx
Sun Feb 6 17:20:57 UTC 2011

Revision: 1906
Author:   cesspit
Date:     2011-02-06 17:20:57 +0000 (Sun, 06 Feb 2011)

Log Message:
remove unused code

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/geany-plugins/debugger/src/dbm_bash.c
--- trunk/geany-plugins/debugger/src/dbm_bash.c	2011-02-06 16:41:59 UTC (rev 1905)
+++ trunk/geany-plugins/debugger/src/dbm_bash.c	2011-02-06 17:20:57 UTC (rev 1906)
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
- *      dbm_gdm.c
- *      
- *      Copyright 2010 Alexander Petukhov <Alexander(dot)Petukhov(at)mail(dot)ru>
- *      
- *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- *      (at your option) any later version.
- *      
- *      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *      GNU General Public License for more details.
- *      
- *      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- *      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- *      Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- *      MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
- * 		Implementation of struct _dbg_module for bash
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <poll.h>
-#include <gtk/gtk.h>
-#include "breakpoint.h"
-#include "debug_module.h"
-#include "geanyplugin.h"
-extern GeanyFunctions	*geany_functions;
-extern GeanyData		*geany_data;
-/* module features */
-/* bash spawn flags */
-/* callbacks to use for messaging, error reporting and state change alerting */
-static dbg_callbacks* dbg_cbs;
-/* terminal device name */
-gchar *terminal_device = NULL;
-/* bash command line arguments*/
-static gchar *bash_args[] = { "bash", "--debugger", NULL, NULL };
-/* bash pid*/
-static GPid bash_pid = 0;
-/* target pid*/
-static GPid target_pid = 0;
-/* GSource to watch bash exit */
-static GSource *bash_src;
-/* channels for bash input/output */
-static gint bash_in;
-static gint bash_out;
-static GIOChannel *bash_ch_in;
-static GIOChannel *bash_ch_out;
-/* bash output event source id */
-static guint bash_id_out;
-/* buffer for the error message */
-static char err_message[1000];
-/* locals list */
-static GList *locals = NULL;
-/* watches list */
-static GList *watches = NULL;
-/* forward declarations */
-static void stop();
-static variable* add_watch(gchar* expression);
-static void update_watches();
-static void update_locals();
-/* list of start messages, to show them in init if initialization is successfull */
-static GList *start_messages = NULL;
- * frees startup messages list
- */
-static void free_start_messages()
-	g_list_foreach(start_messages, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
-	g_list_free(start_messages);
-	start_messages = NULL;
- * shutdown GIOChannel
- */
-static void shutdown_channel(GIOChannel ** ch)
-	if (*ch)
-	{
-		GError *err = NULL;
-		gint fd = g_io_channel_unix_get_fd(*ch);
-		g_io_channel_shutdown(*ch, TRUE, &err);
-		g_io_channel_unref(*ch);
-		*ch = NULL;
-		if (fd >= 0)
-		{
-			close(fd);
-		}
-	}
- * called on bash exit
- */
-static void on_bash_exit(GPid pid, gint status, gpointer data)
-	bash_pid = target_pid = 0;
-	g_spawn_close_pid(pid);
-	shutdown_channel(&bash_ch_in);
-	shutdown_channel(&bash_ch_out);
-	/* delete locals */
-	g_list_foreach(locals, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
-	locals = NULL;
-	/* delete watches */
-	g_list_foreach(watches, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
-	watches = NULL;
-	g_source_destroy(bash_src);
-	dbg_cbs->set_exited(0);
- * reads bash stdout until the end
- */
-static gchar** read_to_the_end()
-	struct pollfd pfd;
-	pfd.fd = bash_out;
-	pfd.events = POLLIN;
-	pfd.revents = 0;
-	GString *out = g_string_new("");
-	while(poll(&pfd, 1, 100))
-	{
-		gchar curbuf[1024];
-		GIOStatus st;
-		GError *err = NULL;
-		gsize count;
-		g_io_channel_read_chars(bash_ch_out, curbuf, sizeof(curbuf) - 1, &count, &err);
-		gboolean have_error = err || (st == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR) || (st == G_IO_STATUS_EOF);
-		if (!have_error && count)
-		{
-			curbuf[count] = '\0';
-			g_string_append(out, curbuf);
-		}
-	}
-	gchar **lines = g_strsplit(out->str, "\n", 0);
-	g_string_free(out, TRUE);
-	return lines;
- * asyncronous bash output reader
- * looks for a stopped event, then notifies "debug" module and removes async handler
- */
-static gboolean on_read_from_bash(GIOChannel * src, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data)
-	gchar *line;
-	gint length;
-	if (G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL != g_io_channel_read_line(src, &line, NULL, &length, NULL))
-		return TRUE;		
-	*(line + length) = '\0';
-	g_free(line);
-	return TRUE;
- * execute "command" asyncronously
- * after writing command to an input channel
- * connects reader to output channel and exits
- * after execution
- */ 
-static void exec_async_command(gchar* command)
-	dbg_cbs->send_message(command, "red");
-	/* write command to bash input channel */
-	GIOStatus st;
-	GError *err = NULL;
-	gsize count;
-	char bash_command[1000];
-	sprintf(bash_command, "%s\n", command);
-	while (strlen(bash_command))
-	{
-		st = g_io_channel_write_chars(bash_ch_in, bash_command, strlen(bash_command), &count, &err);
-		strcpy(bash_command, bash_command + count);
-		if (err || (st == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR) || (st == G_IO_STATUS_EOF))
-		{
-			dbg_cbs->send_message("Error sending command", "red");
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	/* flush the chanel */
-	st = g_io_channel_flush(bash_ch_in, &err);
-	/* connect read callback to the output chanel */
-	bash_id_out = g_io_add_watch(bash_ch_out, G_IO_IN, on_read_from_bash, NULL);
- * execute "command" syncronously
- * i.e. reading output right
- * after execution
- */ 
-static gboolean exec_sync_command(gchar* command, gchar** output)
-	dbg_cbs->report_error(command);
-	dbg_cbs->send_message(command, "red");
-	/* write command to bash input channel */
-	GIOStatus st;
-	GError *err = NULL;
-	gsize count;
-	char bash_command[1000];
-	sprintf(bash_command, "%s\n", command);
-	while (strlen(bash_command))
-	{
-		st = g_io_channel_write_chars(bash_ch_in, bash_command, strlen(bash_command), &count, &err);
-		strcpy(bash_command, bash_command + count);
-		if (err || (st == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR) || (st == G_IO_STATUS_EOF))
-		{
-			dbg_cbs->send_message("Error sending command", "red");
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	st = g_io_channel_flush(bash_ch_in, &err);
-	gchar **lines = read_to_the_end ();
-	int i = 0;
-	while (lines[i++])
-		dbg_cbs->send_message(lines[i - 1], "red");
-	g_strfreev(lines);
-	return TRUE;
- * starts gdb and sets its parameners
- */
-static gboolean init(dbg_callbacks* callbacks)
-	dbg_cbs = callbacks;
-	return TRUE;
-static gboolean load(char* file, char* commandline, GList* env, GList *witer)
-	GError *err = NULL;
-	bash_args[2] = file;
-	/* spawn bash */
-	//gchar **bash_env = utils_copy_environment(NULL, NULL);
-	if (!g_spawn_async_with_pipes(NULL, bash_args, NULL,
-				     NULL, &bash_pid, &bash_in, &bash_out, NULL, &err))
-	{
-		dbg_cbs->report_error(_("Failed to spawn bash process"));
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/* set handler for bash process exit event */ 
-	g_child_watch_add(bash_pid, on_bash_exit, NULL);
-	bash_src = g_child_watch_source_new(bash_pid);
-	/* create GIOChanel for reading from bash */
-	bash_ch_in = g_io_channel_unix_new(bash_in);
-	g_io_channel_set_encoding(bash_ch_in, NULL, NULL);
-	g_io_channel_set_buffered(bash_ch_in, FALSE);
-	/* create GIOChanel for writing to bash */
-	bash_ch_out = g_io_channel_unix_new(bash_out);
-	g_io_channel_set_encoding(bash_ch_out, NULL, NULL);
-	g_io_channel_set_buffered(bash_ch_out, FALSE);
-	/* reading starting bash messages */
-	gchar **lines = read_to_the_end ();
-	int i = 0;
-	while (lines[i++])
-		dbg_cbs->send_message(lines[i - 1], "red");
-	g_strfreev(lines);
-	return TRUE;
- * starts debugging
- */
-static void run(char* terminal_device)
-	/* setting tty */
-	gchar command[1000];
-	sprintf (command, "tty %s", terminal_device);
-	exec_sync_command(command, NULL);
- * stops bash
- */
-static void stop()
-	/* write command to bash input channel */
-	GIOStatus st;
-	GError *err = NULL;
-	gsize count;
-	char *bash_command = "quit";
-	while (strlen(bash_command))
-	{
-		st = g_io_channel_write_chars(bash_ch_in, bash_command, strlen(bash_command), &count, &err);
-		strcpy(bash_command, bash_command + count);
-		if (err || (st == G_IO_STATUS_ERROR) || (st == G_IO_STATUS_EOF))
-		{
-			dbg_cbs->send_message("Error sending command", "red");
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	st = g_io_channel_flush(bash_ch_in, &err);
-	//exec_sync_command("-bash-exit", FALSE, NULL);
- * resumes bash
- */
-static void resume()
-	//exec_async_command("-exec-continue");
- * step over
- */
-static void step_over()
-	//exec_async_command("-exec-next");
- * step into
- */
-static void step_into()
-	//exec_async_command("-exec-step");
- * step out
- */
-static void step_out()
-	//exec_async_command("-exec-finish");
- * execute until
- */
-static void execute_until(gchar *file, int line)
- * set breakpoint
- */
-static gboolean set_break(breakpoint* bp, break_set_activity bsa)
-	return TRUE;
- * removes breakpoint
- */
-static gboolean remove_break(breakpoint* bp)
-	return TRUE;
- * gets stack
- */
-static GList* get_stack()
-	GList *stack = NULL;
-	return stack;
- * updates watches list 
- */
-static void update_watches()
- * updates locals list 
- */
-static void update_locals()
- * get locals list 
- */
-static GList* get_locals ()
-	return g_list_copy(locals);
- * get watches list 
- */
-static GList* get_watches ()
-	return g_list_copy(watches);
- * get list of children 
- */
-static GList* get_children (gchar* path)
-	return NULL;
- * add new watch 
- */
-static variable* add_watch(gchar* expression)
-	return NULL;	
- * remove watch 
- */
-static void remove_watch(gchar* path)
- * evaluates given expression and returns the result
- */
-static gchar *evaluate_expression(gchar *expression)
-	return "";
- * request bash interrupt 
- */
-static gboolean request_interrupt()
-	return FALSE;
- * get bash error messages 
- */
-static gchar* error_message()
-	return err_message;
- * define bash debug module 
- */

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