<p dir="auto">Yeah, I thought so.</p>
<p dir="auto">Roles are currently used for this stuff:</p>
<pre><code>parallels@debian-gnu-linux-10:~/projects/ctags$ ctags --list-roles
Ada            p/package         subunit            on      package name referenced in separate()
Ant            i/antfile         imported           on      imported
Asm            s/section         placement          on      placement where the assembled code goes
AutoIt         S/script          local              on      local include
AutoIt         S/script          system             on      system include
Autoconf       e/optenable       cmdline            on      specified in a configure command line
Autoconf       w/optwith         cmdline            on      specified in a configure command line
Automake       c/condition       branched           on      used for branching
Automake       d/directory       data               on      directory for DATA primary
Automake       d/directory       library            on      directory for LIBRARIES primary
Automake       d/directory       ltlibrary          on      directory for LTLIBRARIES primary
Automake       d/directory       man                on      directory for MANS primary
Automake       d/directory       program            on      directory for PROGRAMS primary
Automake       d/directory       script             on      directory for SCRIPTS primary
C              d/macro           condition          off     used in part of #if/#ifdef/#elif conditions
C              d/macro           undef              on      undefined
C              h/header          local              on      local header
C              h/header          system             on      system header
C++            d/macro           condition          off     used in part of #if/#ifdef/#elif conditions
C++            d/macro           undef              on      undefined
C++            h/header          local              on      local header
C++            h/header          system             on      system header
CPreProcessor  d/macro           condition          off     used in part of #if/#ifdef/#elif conditions
CPreProcessor  d/macro           undef              on      undefined
CPreProcessor  h/header          local              on      local header
CPreProcessor  h/header          system             on      system header
CUDA           d/macro           condition          off     used in part of #if/#ifdef/#elif conditions
CUDA           d/macro           undef              on      undefined
CUDA           h/header          local              on      local header
CUDA           h/header          system             on      system header
Cobol          S/sourcefile      copied             on      copied in source file
CobolFree      S/sourcefile      copied             on      copied in source file
CobolVariable  S/sourcefile      copied             on      copied in source file
DTD            e/element         attOwner           on      attributes owner
DTD            p/parameterEntity condition          on      conditions
DTD            p/parameterEntity elementName        on      element names
DTD            p/parameterEntity partOfAttDef       on      part of attribute definition
Elm            m/module          imported           on      imported module
Flex           I/import          import             on      imports
GDScript       c/class           extended           on      used as a base class for extending
GemSpec        g/gem             develDep           on      specifying development dependency
GemSpec        g/gem             runtimeDep         on      specifying runtime dependency
Glade          c/class           widget             on      specified as a widget constructor
Glade          h/handler         handler            on      specified as a callback for signal emission
Go             p/package         imported           on      imported package
Go             u/unknown         receiverType       on      receiver type
HTML           C/stylesheet      extFile            on      referenced as external files
HTML           J/script          extFile            on      referenced as external files
HTML           c/class           attribute          on      assigned as attributes
Java           p/package         imported           on      imported package
Julia          n/module          imported           on      loaded by "import"
Julia          n/module          namespace          on      only some symbols in it are imported
Julia          n/module          used               on      loaded by "using"
Julia          x/unknown         imported           on      loaded by "import"
Julia          x/unknown         used               on      loaded by "using"
Kconfig        k/kconfig         source             on      kconfig file loaded with source directive
LdScript       i/inputSection    discarded          on      discarded when linking
LdScript       i/inputSection    mapped             on      mapped to output section
LdScript       s/symbol          entrypoint         on      entry points
Lua            X/unknown         referenced         off     referenced somehow
M4             I/macrofile       included           on      included macro
M4             I/macrofile       sincluded          on      silently included macro
M4             d/macro           undef              on      undefined
Make           I/makefile        included           on      included
Make           I/makefile        optional           on      optionally included
Maven2         a/artifactId      dependency         on      dependency
Maven2         a/artifactId      parent             on      parent
Maven2         g/groupId         dependency         on      dependency
Maven2         g/groupId         parent             on      parent
NSIS           i/script          included           on      included with !include
OldC           d/macro           condition          off     used in part of #if/#ifdef/#elif conditions
OldC           d/macro           undef              on      undefined
OldC           h/header          local              on      local header
OldC           h/header          system             on      system header
OldC++         d/macro           condition          off     used in part of #if/#ifdef/#elif conditions
OldC++         d/macro           undef              on      undefined
OldC++         h/header          local              on      local header
OldC++         h/header          system             on      system header
Perl           M/module          unused             on      specified in `no' built-in function
Perl           M/module          used               on      specified in `use' built-in function
Perl           h/heredoc         endmarker          on      end marker
Protobuf       D/protodef        imported           on      imported
Protobuf       m/message         extension          on      extending the message
Python         i/module          imported           on      imported modules
Python         i/module          indirectlyImported on      module imported in alternative name
Python         i/module          namespace          on      namespace from where classes/variables/functions are imported
Python         x/unknown         imported           on      imported from the other module
Python         x/unknown         indirectlyImported on      classes/variables/functions/modules imported in alternative name
R              l/library         library            on      library attached by library function
R              l/library         require            on      library attached by require function
R              s/source          source             on      source loaded by source fucntion
RpmSpec        m/macro           undef              on      undefined
RpmSpec        p/patch           decl               on      declared for applying later
Ruby           L/library         loaded             on      loaded by "load" method
Ruby           L/library         required           on      loaded by "require" method
Ruby           L/library         requiredRel        on      loaded by "require_relative" method
Sh             h/heredoc         endmarker          on      end marker
Sh             s/script          loaded             on      loaded
SystemdUnit    u/unit            After              on      referred in After key
SystemdUnit    u/unit            Before             on      referred in Before key
SystemdUnit    u/unit            RequiredBy         on      referred in RequiredBy key
SystemdUnit    u/unit            Requires           on      referred in Requires key
SystemdUnit    u/unit            WantedBy           on      referred in WantedBy key
SystemdUnit    u/unit            Wants              on      referred in Wants key
Tex            i/xinput          bibliography       on      bibliography (.bib) file
Tex            i/xinput          included           on      external input file specified with \include
Tex            i/xinput          input              on      external input file specified with \input
Thrift         T/thriftFile      included           on      included file
VHDL           e/entity          desigend           on      designed by an architecture
Vera           d/macro           condition          off     used in part of #if/#ifdef/#elif conditions
Vera           d/macro           undef              on      undefined
Vera           h/header          local              on      local header
Vera           h/header          system             on      system header
XSLT           m/matchedTemplate applied            on      applied
XSLT           n/namedTemplate   called             on      called
XSLT           p/parameter       bound              on      bound to value
XSLT           s/stylesheet      imported           on      imported
XSLT           s/stylesheet      included           on      included

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