<p dir="auto">It's also difficult to get 2, 3, and 4 to all be different for both protanopea and deuteranopia.</p>
<p dir="auto">Yes, thats why the colours need to be such that they will contrast to both dark and light backgrounds but not generate artefacts, so they are legible even if the colour can't be perceived. Unfortunately mid range themes will likely need adjustment, but thats why we have geany.css, we can never make everybody happy.</p>
<p dir="auto">(1) agreed.</p>
<p dir="auto">(2) happy to shuffle the deckchair to <a class="user-mention" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/xiota/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/xiota">@xiota</a>'s <code>#309030<span class="ml-1 d-inline-block border circle color-border-subtle" style="background-color: #309030; height: 8px; width: 8px;"></span></code></p>
<p dir="auto">(3) <a class="user-mention" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/xiota/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/xiota">@xiota</a>'s suggestion of <code>#ee8000<span class="ml-1 d-inline-block border circle color-border-subtle" style="background-color: #ee8000; height: 8px; width: 8px;"></span></code> is ok for me.</p>
<p dir="auto">(4) <code>#ff3030<span class="ml-1 d-inline-block border circle color-border-subtle" style="background-color: #ff3030; height: 8px; width: 8px;"></span></code> seems to be accepted. <a class="user-mention" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/techee/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/techee">@techee</a> I thought that the error squiggle used this CSS setting already? Looks like it to me but I didn't check the code.</p>
<p dir="auto">Based on the proposed uses, it seems more important to distinguish 4 from 2/3 than to distinguish 2 and 3 from each other.</p>
<p dir="auto">Correct.</p>
<p dir="auto">(3) and (4) need to be distinguishable since they show in the same compiler message window, but the lines coloured (4) are clickable and those coloured (3) are not. For simple languages like C its pretty obvious which are clickable, but guess which ones are clickable in <a href="https://gist.github.com/elextr/0cea1225e322a499af234f4e4a54b54a">this single error message</a> from the C++ file I have been using for testing of the compiler colours.</p>
<p dir="auto">But seriously, in the next release nobody will notice Scintilla 5, updated ctags, meson build, etc., but everybody will see the color changes made here so better not to screw up much.</p>
<p dir="auto">Sadly you are very much correct <g-emoji class="g-emoji" alias="stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye" fallback-src="https://github.githubassets.com/images/icons/emoji/unicode/1f61c.png">😜</g-emoji></p>
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