<p>I agree that the "hide on startup" option is not necessary.</p>
<p><a class="user-mention" data-hovercard-type="user" data-hovercard-url="/users/eht16/hovercard" data-octo-click="hovercard-link-click" data-octo-dimensions="link_type:self" href="https://github.com/eht16">@eht16</a> Hide on startup is a primary use case that this PR is intended to address. Restore on startup is basically just to make devs happy. I already have a couple plugin implementations (Geanypy, Lua script, and C plugin). I rewrote part of the Lua script to restore on startup while helping a user to get it working. The first request the user made after getting the script to work was to make it always hide on startup. (As far as I know, the script has only one user. So while it may not be representative of all users, the use-case does exist beyond just me.)</p>
<p>I understood the use case and of course, if the menubar is hidden once, it should be hidden again after restart. What I meant is that we just need to store the state (visible or hidden) and restore that state on startup. If we would implement it like the other interface component toggles (Sidebar, Toolbar, ...), it would be as easy as just a couple of copy&paste's and for the user it would be a consistent experience to show/hide various parts of the interface.</p>
<p>If implemented with a keybinding, a menu item in the View menu</p>
<p>Adding an option on the view menu would make it more likely for users to accidentally hide the menubar without being able to restore it. (The option will be inaccessible after the menubar is hidden.)<br>
This would make the feature more visible, and prone to accidental usage. Since at least occasional access to the menubar is essential, hiding it should be an advanced feature that only sufficiently motivated users will find and use.</p>
<p>We can't completely prevent a user might hide the menubar accidentally. But if users know there is the possibility to show/hide the menubar, I assume it would be easier for them to discover how to show it again. And more users can use this at all as a menu item in the View menu and an option in the preferences dialog is easier to discover than a keybinding.</p>
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