<p>In <a href="https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins/pull/402#discussion_r55922268">geniuspaste/src/geniuspaste.c</a>:</p>
> PLUGIN_VERSION, "Enrico Trotta <enrico.trt@gmail.com>")
> +/* Windows compatibility for resolving system plugin data path.
> + * This only works if the plugin's data is installed in the same tree as the
> + * plugin DLL, which might not be true (as the DLL has to be in Geany's libdir
> + * but the plugin's data might be anywhere in theory) */
<p>So, what do we want to do?<br>
I'm not sure how relevant supporting any possible installation scenario on Windows really is. I pretty much assume most users just install Geany. Maybe there are two or three developers who actually fight with developing on Windows...</p>
<p>Regarding <code>libgeany-plugins</code>: sounds interesting and would ease a lot of things probably. Something we should consider for 1.28.</p>
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