<p>So, I guess what I'd prefer is</p>
<p>use the new type name</p>
<p>introduce a deprecated alias of the old name</p>
<p>The trouble is that langType would be defined in both ctags and in the header and we'd have to keep using the LIBCTAGS_DEFINED macro tricks I wanted to eventually eliminate (at the moment still needed for tagEntryInfo). And because using the lang field in the various structs isn't that meaningful and because none of the gp plugins use it (and most plugins don't use the TM stuff at all which I think is the case of external plugins too), I think it's quite safe to assume nobody uses it.</p>
<p>But of course can add it if you disagree.</p>
<p>install tm_parser.h (possibly guarding everything but the typedef in GEANY_PRIVATE)</p>
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