<p>In <a href="https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/890#discussion_r53467812">m4/geany-docutils.m4</a>:</p>
<pre style='color:#555'>> @@ -70,3 +70,16 @@ AC_DEFUN([GEANY_CHECK_DOCUTILS_PDF],
> AM_CONDITIONAL([WITH_RST2PDF], [test "x$geany_enable_pdf_docs" != "xno"])
> GEANY_STATUS_ADD([Build PDF documentation], [$geany_enable_pdf_docs])
> ])
> +
> +dnl
> +dnl For gtkdoc header generation
> +dnl
> +[
> + AM_PATH_PYTHON([2.7], [], [])
<div class="email-fragment">You must be kidding me right? Python 2.7 is over 5 years old. python 3 is even older (nearly 8 years). "Recent" is not quite right. Even depending on py3 would be perfectly reasonable but I still made the effort to make it 2.7 compatible.
Anyway, I dont have something older than 2.7 so I can't actually tell. Might work with older versions.</div>
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