<p>I somehow like SVG myself because I find it rather common, the others I really don't know… e.g. I didn't ever see a <code>.dash</code> script, all scripts I know that are supposed to be run by DASH have the common <code>.sh</code> extension rather than a specific one.<br>
X3D I don't know, but if it's an open standard in a trendy area like WebGL it might make sense to support it out of the box -- although not maybe people are likely to open SVG or X3D files in a text editor very often :)</p>
<p>Anyway, in the end I kinda feel like <a href="https://github.com/eht16" class="user-mention">@eht16</a>, we can't realistically add everything that may exist out there in the world, and it'd become a mess if we did anyway. So I guess we prefer only adding "common" (now, what is common? :)) extensions by default.</p>
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