<p>In <a href="https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/701#discussion_r42653396">src/callbacks.c</a>:</p>
<pre style='color:#555'>> {
> - ui_set_statusbar(TRUE, "Context action command failed: %s", error->message);
> + ui_set_statusbar(TRUE, format, command, error->message);
<p>As you can see, the two formats only differ by "the path setting in ", so I could have used a common<br>
_("Cannot execute context action command \"%s\": %s. "<br>
"Check the path setting in %s.")<br>
but wasn't sure it'll be good for the translations. If you say it's OK, I'll simplify the whole thing.</p>
<p>As of whether "we really want the literal %s", I'm not sure what you are talking about... We want the original command, without the selected text, which may be very long, and is an argument anyway.</p>
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