<p>In <a href="https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/697#discussion_r42184135">src/plugins.c</a>:</p>
<pre style='color:#555'>> @@ -2000,7 +2000,7 @@ gboolean geany_plugin_register_proxy(GeanyPlugin *plugin, const gchar **extensio
> foreach_list(node, active_proxies.head)
> {
> proxy = node->data;
> - g_return_if_fail(p != proxy->plugin);
> + g_return_val_if_fail(p != proxy->plugin, FALSE);
<p>Registering twice is currently explicitly unsupported currently, so any attempt is a programming error (though a plugin error so an assert might not be ideal)</p>
<p>The plan is to enable it once the details are fleshed out and code is written, with the intention to enable proxies to change their list of supported files </p>
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