<p>In <a href="https://github.com/geany/geany/pull/629#discussion_r41065079">src/plugins.c</a>:</p>
<pre style='color:#555'>> @@ -830,25 +1011,80 @@ static gboolean check_plugin_path(const gchar *fname)
> }
> +/* Retuns NULL if this ain't a plugin,
> + * otherwise it returns the appropriate PluginProxy instance to load it */
> +static PluginProxy* is_plugin(const gchar *file)
> +{
> + GList *node;
> + const gchar *ext;
> +
> + /* extract file extension to avoid g_str_has_suffix() in the loop */
> + ext = (const gchar *)strrchr(file, '.');
> + if (ext == NULL)
> + return FALSE;
> + /* ensure the dot is really part of the filename */
> + else if (strchr(ext, G_DIR_SEPARATOR) != NULL)
> + return FALSE;
<p>Hum, didn't I already asked whether we shouldn't check both <code>\</code> and <code>/</code> on Windows here too?</p>
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