[Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] TreeBrowser opens multiple files when it's commanded to open one from Thunar (#1091)

Kike Cabrera notifications at xxxxx
Wed Jul 14 09:16:07 UTC 2021

When I point a file in Thunar and select «Open with Geany» submenu, geany opens a lot of files not related to thatone nor its folder.
I've been testing and disabling plugins until looks like it's TreeBrowser issue.
Verbose log; at 10:21:24 Geany finishes loading, then I opened a file via Thunar (look after «10:21:36.655: Received IPC command...») that triggers the issue:

<summary>Click here to expand verbose log</summary>

(geany:40812): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 10:21:21.185: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gvfs (GDaemonVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.248: Geany 1.37.1, es_ES.utf8
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.248: GTK 3.24.30, GLib 2.68.3
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.248: OS: Manjaro Linux
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.248: System data dir: /usr/share/geany
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.248: User config dir: /home/user/.config/geany
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.385: Loaded GTK+ CSS theme '/usr/share/geany/geany.css'
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.385: Loaded GTK+ CSS theme '/usr/share/geany/geany-3.20.css'
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.391: System plugin path: /usr/lib/geany
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype TypeScript (63).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Swift (64).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Nim (65).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Scala (66).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype CUDA (67).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Groovy (68).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Kotlin (69).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype JSON (70).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Cython (71).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Genie (72).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Graphviz (73).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Arduino (74).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.399: Added filetype Clojure (75).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.415: Loaded libvte from libvte-2.91.so
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.431: Loaded:   /usr/lib/geany/treebrowser.so (Visor de árbol)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.535: /home/user/.bashrc : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.536: Unknown filetype for file '/home/user/.config/geany/tags/std.python-2.6.python.tags'.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.537: Unknown filetype for file '/home/user/.config/geany/tags/std-1.2.cl.tags'.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.538: Unknown filetype for file '/home/user/.config/geany/tags/std.python-2.7.python.tags'.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.647: /home/user/.alias/man-adb : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.741: /home/user/.bin/redmidok_bkp.sh : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:21.930: /home/user/.alias/bkp.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.024: /home/user/.alias/termux.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.120: /home/user/.alias/man-termux : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.215: /home/user/.alias/alias.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.309: /home/user/.alias/android.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.402: /home/user/.alias/man-bkp : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.496: /home/user/.alias/man-pacman : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.590: /home/user/.alias/man-bash-background : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.683: /home/user/.alias/pacman.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.779: /home/user/.alias/pamac.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:22.971: /home/user/.alias/adb.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:23.064: /home/user/.alias/man-android : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:23.157: /home/user/.alias/man-fastboot : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:23.345: /home/user/.alias/man-busca : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:23.440: /home/user/.alias/man-varios : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:23.537: /home/user/.alias/varios.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:23.634: /home/user/.alias/sonidos.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:23.730: /home/user/.alias/rec.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:23.822: /home/user/.alias/qemu.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:23.916: /home/user/.alias/ls.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:24.009: /home/user/.alias/log.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:24.103: /home/user/.alias/git.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:24.198: /home/user/.alias/funciones.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:36.655: Received IPC command from remote instance: open
Geany-INFO: 10:21:36.781: /run/media/user/casdfe1f-afff-4c93-b4c1-4185c265c3de/home/impresora/.bashrc : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:36.942: /home/user/.alias/ls.rc~ : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.055: /home/user/.alias/man-actualiza : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.159: /home/user/.alias/man-admin : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.259: /home/user/.alias/man-alias : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.364: /home/user/.alias/man-apt : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.469: /home/user/.alias/man-bash-it : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.572: /home/user/.alias/man-bateria : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.685: /home/user/.alias/man-ffmpeg : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.786: /home/user/.alias/man-fp : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.895: /home/user/.alias/man-funciones : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:37.993: /home/user/.alias/man-git : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:38.098: /home/user/.alias/man-gradle : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:38.201: /home/user/.alias/man-iptables : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:38.299: /home/user/.alias/man-log : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:38.399: /home/user/.alias/man-ls : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:38.499: /home/user/.alias/man-maven : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:38.606: /home/user/.alias/man-pamac : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:38.708: /home/user/.alias/man-qemu : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:38.807: /home/user/.alias/man-rec : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:38.905: /home/user/.alias/man-red : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.004: /home/user/.alias/man-sonidos : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.105: /home/user/.alias/man-ssh : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.204: /home/user/.alias/man-systemctl : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.304: /home/user/.alias/man-systemd : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.404: /home/user/.alias/man-terminator : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.509: /home/user/.alias/man-ufw : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.620: /home/user/.alias/man-webcam : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.729: /home/user/.alias/man-wifi : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.833: /home/user/.alias/man-xrandr : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:39.935: /home/user/.alias/man-yAoURt : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:40.038: /home/user/.alias/man-yay : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:40.142: /home/user/.alias/pacman.rc.bkp : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:40.261: /home/user/.alias/ssh.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:40.364: /home/user/.alias/systemctl.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:40.467: /home/user/.alias/systemd.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:40.575: /home/user/.alias/webcam.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:40.676: /home/user/.alias/wifi.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:40.777: /home/user/.alias/xrandr.rc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:40.886: /home/user/.bash_history : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:41.197: /home/user/.bash_logout : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:41.296: /home/user/.bash_logout_bkp_postinstalacion : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:41.400: /home/user/.bash_profile : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:41.504: /home/user/.bashrc-termux : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:41.614: /home/user/.bashrc.bak : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:41.725: /home/user/.bashrc_bkp_antesde-bash-it : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:41.842: /home/user/.bashrc_bkp_postinstalacion : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:41.952: /home/user/.bzr.log : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.058: /home/user/.dir_colors : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.163: /home/user/.dmrc : Conf (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.169: Using preferred charset: UTF-8
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.169: Trying to convert 16 bytes of data from UTF-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.170: Couldn't convert from UTF-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.170: Trying to convert 16 bytes of data from ISO-8859-1 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.170: Converted from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.263: /home/user/.esd_auth : None (ISO-8859-1)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.360: /home/user/.history : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.363: Using preferred charset: UTF-8
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.363: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.364: Couldn't convert from UTF-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.364: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-1 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.364: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.364: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-2 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.364: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-2 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.365: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-3 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.365: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-3 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.365: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-4 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.366: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-4 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.366: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-5 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.366: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-5 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.367: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-6 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.367: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-6 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.367: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-7 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.368: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-7 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.368: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.368: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.368: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-8-I into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.368: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-8-I to UTF-8 (La conversión desde el conjunto de caracteres «ISO-8859-8-I» a «UTF-8» no está soportada).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.368: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-9 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.368: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-9 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.369: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-10 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.369: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-10 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.369: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-13 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.369: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-13 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.369: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-14 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.370: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-14 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.370: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-15 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.370: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.370: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-16 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.371: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-16 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.371: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-7 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.371: Couldn't convert from UTF-7 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.371: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.371: Couldn't convert from UTF-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.371: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-16LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.372: Couldn't convert from UTF-16LE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.372: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-16BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.372: Couldn't convert from UTF-16BE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.372: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UCS-2LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.373: Couldn't convert from UCS-2LE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.373: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UCS-2BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.373: Couldn't convert from UCS-2BE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.373: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-32LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.373: Couldn't convert from UTF-32LE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.373: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-32BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.374: Couldn't convert from UTF-32BE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.374: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ARMSCII-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.374: Couldn't convert from ARMSCII-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.374: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from BIG5 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.375: Couldn't convert from BIG5 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.375: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from BIG5-HKSCS into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.375: Couldn't convert from BIG5-HKSCS to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.375: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from CP866 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.375: Couldn't convert from CP866 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.375: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from EUC-JP into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.376: Couldn't convert from EUC-JP to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.376: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from EUC-KR into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.376: Couldn't convert from EUC-KR to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.376: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from EUC-TW into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.377: Couldn't convert from EUC-TW to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.377: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from GB18030 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.377: Couldn't convert from GB18030 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.377: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from GB2312 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.378: Couldn't convert from GB2312 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.378: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from GBK into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.378: Couldn't convert from GBK to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.378: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from GEORGIAN-ACADEMY into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.379: Couldn't convert from GEORGIAN-ACADEMY to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.379: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from HZ into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.379: Couldn't convert from HZ to UTF-8 (La conversión desde el conjunto de caracteres «HZ» a «UTF-8» no está soportada).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.379: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM850 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.379: Couldn't convert from IBM850 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.379: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM852 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.380: Couldn't convert from IBM852 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.380: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM855 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.380: Couldn't convert from IBM855 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.380: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM857 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.381: Couldn't convert from IBM857 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.381: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM862 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.381: Couldn't convert from IBM862 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.381: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM864 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.381: Couldn't convert from IBM864 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.381: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-2022-JP into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.382: Couldn't convert from ISO-2022-JP to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.382: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-2022-KR into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.382: Couldn't convert from ISO-2022-KR to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.382: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-IR-111 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.383: Couldn't convert from ISO-IR-111 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.383: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from JOHAB into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.383: Couldn't convert from JOHAB to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.383: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from KOI8-R into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.384: Couldn't convert from KOI8-R to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.384: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from KOI8-U into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.384: Couldn't convert from KOI8-U to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.384: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from SHIFT_JIS into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.384: Couldn't convert from SHIFT_JIS to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.385: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from TCVN into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.385: Couldn't convert from TCVN to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.385: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from TIS-620 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.385: Couldn't convert from TIS-620 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.385: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UHC into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.386: Couldn't convert from UHC to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.386: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from VISCII into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.386: Couldn't convert from VISCII to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.386: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1250 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.387: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1250 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.387: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1251 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.387: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1251 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.387: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1252 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.388: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1252 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.388: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1253 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.388: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1253 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.388: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1254 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.389: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1254 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.389: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1255 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.389: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1255 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.390: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1256 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.390: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1256 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.390: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1257 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.391: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1257 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.391: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1258 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.391: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1258 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.391: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from CP932 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.391: Couldn't convert from CP932 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Using preferred charset: UTF-8
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Couldn't convert from UTF-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-1 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-2 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-2 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-3 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-3 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-4 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-4 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-5 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-5 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.392: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-6 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-6 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-7 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-7 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-8-I into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-8-I to UTF-8 (La conversión desde el conjunto de caracteres «ISO-8859-8-I» a «UTF-8» no está soportada).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-9 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-9 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-10 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-10 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-13 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-13 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-14 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-14 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.393: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-15 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-8859-16 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-16 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-7 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from UTF-7 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from UTF-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-16LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from UTF-16LE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-16BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from UTF-16BE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UCS-2LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from UCS-2LE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UCS-2BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from UCS-2BE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-32LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from UTF-32LE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UTF-32BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Couldn't convert from UTF-32BE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.394: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ARMSCII-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Couldn't convert from ARMSCII-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from BIG5 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Couldn't convert from BIG5 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from BIG5-HKSCS into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Couldn't convert from BIG5-HKSCS to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from CP866 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Couldn't convert from CP866 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from EUC-JP into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Couldn't convert from EUC-JP to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from EUC-KR into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Couldn't convert from EUC-KR to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.395: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from EUC-TW into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Couldn't convert from EUC-TW to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from GB18030 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Couldn't convert from GB18030 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from GB2312 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Couldn't convert from GB2312 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from GBK into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Couldn't convert from GBK to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from GEORGIAN-ACADEMY into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Couldn't convert from GEORGIAN-ACADEMY to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from HZ into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Couldn't convert from HZ to UTF-8 (La conversión desde el conjunto de caracteres «HZ» a «UTF-8» no está soportada).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM850 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Couldn't convert from IBM850 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.396: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM852 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Couldn't convert from IBM852 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM855 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Couldn't convert from IBM855 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM857 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Couldn't convert from IBM857 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM862 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Couldn't convert from IBM862 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from IBM864 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Couldn't convert from IBM864 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-2022-JP into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Couldn't convert from ISO-2022-JP to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-2022-KR into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.397: Couldn't convert from ISO-2022-KR to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from ISO-IR-111 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Couldn't convert from ISO-IR-111 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from JOHAB into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Couldn't convert from JOHAB to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from KOI8-R into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Couldn't convert from KOI8-R to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from KOI8-U into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Couldn't convert from KOI8-U to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from SHIFT_JIS into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Couldn't convert from SHIFT_JIS to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from TCVN into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Couldn't convert from TCVN to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.398: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from TIS-620 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Couldn't convert from TIS-620 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from UHC into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Couldn't convert from UHC to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from VISCII into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Couldn't convert from VISCII to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1250 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1250 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1251 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1251 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1252 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1252 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1253 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1253 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.399: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1254 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1254 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1255 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1255 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1256 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1256 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1257 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1257 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1258 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1258 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Trying to convert 1802 bytes of data from CP932 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.400: Couldn't convert from CP932 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.495: /home/user/.lesshst : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.595: /home/user/.profile : Sh (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.695: /home/user/.python_history : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.699: Using preferred charset: UTF-8
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.699: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.699: Couldn't convert from UTF-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.699: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-1 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.699: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.699: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-2 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.699: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-2 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.699: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-3 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-3 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-4 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-4 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-5 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-5 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-6 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-6 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-7 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-7 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.700: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-8-I into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-8-I to UTF-8 (La conversión desde el conjunto de caracteres «ISO-8859-8-I» a «UTF-8» no está soportada).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-9 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-9 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-10 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-10 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-13 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-13 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-14 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-14 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.701: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-15 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-16 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-16 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-7 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from UTF-7 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from UTF-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-16LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from UTF-16LE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-16BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from UTF-16BE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UCS-2LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from UCS-2LE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UCS-2BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from UCS-2BE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-32LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from UTF-32LE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-32BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Couldn't convert from UTF-32BE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.702: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ARMSCII-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Couldn't convert from ARMSCII-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from BIG5 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Couldn't convert from BIG5 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from BIG5-HKSCS into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Couldn't convert from BIG5-HKSCS to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from CP866 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Couldn't convert from CP866 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from EUC-JP into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Couldn't convert from EUC-JP to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from EUC-KR into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Couldn't convert from EUC-KR to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from EUC-TW into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.703: Couldn't convert from EUC-TW to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from GB18030 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Couldn't convert from GB18030 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from GB2312 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Couldn't convert from GB2312 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from GBK into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Couldn't convert from GBK to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from GEORGIAN-ACADEMY into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Couldn't convert from GEORGIAN-ACADEMY to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from HZ into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Couldn't convert from HZ to UTF-8 (La conversión desde el conjunto de caracteres «HZ» a «UTF-8» no está soportada).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM850 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Couldn't convert from IBM850 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM852 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Couldn't convert from IBM852 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.704: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM855 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Couldn't convert from IBM855 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM857 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Couldn't convert from IBM857 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM862 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Couldn't convert from IBM862 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM864 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Couldn't convert from IBM864 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-2022-JP into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Couldn't convert from ISO-2022-JP to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-2022-KR into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Couldn't convert from ISO-2022-KR to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-IR-111 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Couldn't convert from ISO-IR-111 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.705: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from JOHAB into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Couldn't convert from JOHAB to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from KOI8-R into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Couldn't convert from KOI8-R to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from KOI8-U into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Couldn't convert from KOI8-U to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from SHIFT_JIS into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Couldn't convert from SHIFT_JIS to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from TCVN into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Couldn't convert from TCVN to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from TIS-620 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Couldn't convert from TIS-620 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UHC into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Couldn't convert from UHC to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.706: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from VISCII into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Couldn't convert from VISCII to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1250 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1250 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1251 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1251 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1252 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1252 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1253 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1253 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1254 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1254 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1255 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1255 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.707: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1256 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1256 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1257 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1257 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1258 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1258 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from CP932 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Couldn't convert from CP932 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Using preferred charset: UTF-8
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Couldn't convert from UTF-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-1 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-2 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-2 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.708: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-3 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-3 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-4 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-4 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-5 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-5 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-6 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-6 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-7 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-7 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-8-I into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-8-I to UTF-8 (La conversión desde el conjunto de caracteres «ISO-8859-8-I» a «UTF-8» no está soportada).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-9 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-9 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.709: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-10 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-10 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-13 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-13 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-14 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-14 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-15 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-15 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-8859-16 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from ISO-8859-16 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-7 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from UTF-7 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from UTF-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-16LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from UTF-16LE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-16BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from UTF-16BE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UCS-2LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from UCS-2LE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UCS-2BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Couldn't convert from UCS-2BE to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.710: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-32LE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Couldn't convert from UTF-32LE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UTF-32BE into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Couldn't convert from UTF-32BE to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ARMSCII-8 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Couldn't convert from ARMSCII-8 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from BIG5 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Couldn't convert from BIG5 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from BIG5-HKSCS into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Couldn't convert from BIG5-HKSCS to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from CP866 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Couldn't convert from CP866 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from EUC-JP into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Couldn't convert from EUC-JP to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from EUC-KR into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Couldn't convert from EUC-KR to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.711: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from EUC-TW into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Couldn't convert from EUC-TW to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from GB18030 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Couldn't convert from GB18030 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from GB2312 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Couldn't convert from GB2312 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from GBK into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Couldn't convert from GBK to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from GEORGIAN-ACADEMY into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Couldn't convert from GEORGIAN-ACADEMY to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from HZ into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Couldn't convert from HZ to UTF-8 (La conversión desde el conjunto de caracteres «HZ» a «UTF-8» no está soportada).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM850 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Couldn't convert from IBM850 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.712: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM852 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Couldn't convert from IBM852 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM855 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Couldn't convert from IBM855 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM857 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Couldn't convert from IBM857 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM862 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Couldn't convert from IBM862 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from IBM864 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Couldn't convert from IBM864 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-2022-JP into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Couldn't convert from ISO-2022-JP to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-2022-KR into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Couldn't convert from ISO-2022-KR to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.713: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from ISO-IR-111 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Couldn't convert from ISO-IR-111 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from JOHAB into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Couldn't convert from JOHAB to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from KOI8-R into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Couldn't convert from KOI8-R to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from KOI8-U into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Couldn't convert from KOI8-U to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from SHIFT_JIS into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Couldn't convert from SHIFT_JIS to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from TCVN into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Couldn't convert from TCVN to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from TIS-620 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Couldn't convert from TIS-620 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.714: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from UHC into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Couldn't convert from UHC to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from VISCII into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Couldn't convert from VISCII to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1250 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1250 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1251 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1251 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1252 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1252 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1253 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1253 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1254 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1254 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1255 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1255 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.715: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1256 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.716: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1256 to UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.716: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1257 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.716: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1257 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.716: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from WINDOWS-1258 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.716: Couldn't convert from WINDOWS-1258 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.716: Trying to convert 736 bytes of data from CP932 into UTF-8.
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.716: Couldn't convert from CP932 to UTF-8 (Hay una secuencia de bytes no válida en la entrada de conversión).
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.811: /home/user/.sqlite_history : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:42.907: /home/user/.steampid : None (UTF-8)
Geany-INFO: 10:21:58.730: Quitting...
Geany-INFO: 10:21:58.733: Unloaded: /usr/lib/geany/treebrowser.so


<summary>Expand geany.conf</summary>

editor_font=Monospace 10
tagbar_font=Sans 9
msgwin_font=Sans 9
pref_template_mail=kikecalpe at gmail.com
pref_template_datetime=%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S %Z
scribble_text=Escriba aquí lo que desee, úselo como panel de notas o borrador




terminal_cmd=x-terminal-emulator -e "/bin/sh %c"

print_cmd=/usr/bin/lpr %f

font=Monospace 10



<summary>Expand treebrowser.conf</summary>

open_external_cmd=thunar '%d'


The issue could be related to char ~ in filenames or something in file «.bashrc», because closing «ls.rc~» triggers the issue and all the files opened are in ~. Also opening other files different than «.bashrc» not always triggers that behavior.
Could be related https://github.com/geany/geany-plugins/issues/658.

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