[Github-comments] [geany/geany] Push current position to navqueue before navigating back (#1537)

Matthew Brush notifications at xxxxx
Fri Jul 14 08:38:22 UTC 2017

codebrainz commented on this pull request.

> @@ -192,6 +192,14 @@ static gboolean goto_file_pos(const gchar *file, gint pos)
 void navqueue_go_back(void)
 	filepos *fprev;
+	GeanyDocument *doc = document_get_current();
+	/* If the navqueue is currently at some position A, but the actual cursor is at some other
+	 * place B, we should add B to the navqueue, so that (1) we go back to A, not to the next
+	 * item in the queue; and (2) we can later restore B by going forward.
+	 * (If A = B, add_new_position will ignore it.) */
+	if (doc && doc->file_name)

Seems like a perfect occasion for a debug assertion.

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