[Github-comments] [geany/geany-plugins] Workbench (#598)

LarsGit223 notifications at xxxxx
Sun Aug 20 09:59:32 UTC 2017

LarsGit223 commented on this pull request.

> +
+/** Setup the workbench menu.
+ *
+ **/
+gboolean menu_init(void)
+	/* Create menu and root item/label */
+	menu_data.menu = gtk_menu_new();
+	menu_data.root_item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(_("Workbench"));
+	gtk_widget_show(menu_data.root_item);
+	/* Create new menu item "New Workbench" */
+	menu_data.item_new = gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic(_("_New"));
+	gtk_widget_show(menu_data.item_new);
+	gtk_menu_append(GTK_MENU (menu_data.menu), menu_data.item_new);

Thanks, replaced it.

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