[Geany-Devel] OSX plugin development

steve8track at yahoo.com steve8track at xxxxx
Tue Oct 10 16:27:50 UTC 2017

So I tried again with a clean directory after removing libgit2 from homebrew, but it appears geany-osx is intended to build with 10.13 and I’m using 10.12.6.  I’m still getting stuck on libgit2 somehow.


Here is what I’m seeing:


~/projects/geany/geany-osx master$ jhbuild -m geany.modules build geany-bundle

/Users/sblatnick/gtk/source/libgit2-0.24.3/src/unix/posix.h:77:9: warning: 'futimens' is only available on macOS 10.13 or newer [-Wunguarded-availability-new]

        return futimens(f, s);


/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.13.sdk/usr/include/sys/stat.h:373:5: note: 'futimens' has been explicitly marked partial here

int     futimens(int __fd, const struct timespec __times[2]) __API_AVAILABLE(macosx(10.13), ios(11.0), tvos(11.0), watchos(4.0));


/Users/sblatnick/gtk/source/libgit2-0.24.3/src/unix/posix.h:77:9: note: enclose 'futimens' in a __builtin_available check to silence this warning

        return futimens(f, s);


1 warning generated.

[100%] Linking C executable libgit2_clar

[100%] Built target libgit2_clar

make: *** [all] Error 2

*** Error during phase build of libgit2: ########## Error running make -j 9  *** [14/26]


  [1] Rerun phase build

  [2] Ignore error and continue to install

  [3] Give up on module

  [4] Start shell

  [5] Reload configuration

  [6] Go to phase "wipe directory and start over"

choice: ^CInterrupted


These are my homebrew and macport packages currently installed:


~/projects/geany/geany-osx master$ brew list

adns            gdbm            gobject-introspection jq              libssh2              nettle               pango           readline

atk             gdk-pixbuf      graphite2       libassuan       libtasn1           nmap            pcre            ruby-build

autoconf        gettext              harfbuzz        libffi               libtiff              npth            pinentry        shared-mime-info

cairo           glib            hicolor-icon-theme    libgcrypt       libunistring          oniguruma       pixman               sqlite

colordiff       gmp             icu4c           libgpg-error         libusb               openssl              pkg-config      the_silver_searcher

fontconfig      gnupg           intltool        libksba              libxml2              openssl at 1.1           python               wget

freetype        gnutls               jpeg            libpng               mariadb              p11-kit              rbenv           xz


~/projects/geany/geany-osx master$ port installed

Warning: port definitions are more than two weeks old, consider updating them by running 'port selfupdate'.

The following ports are currently installed:

  at-spi2-atk @2.26.0_0 (active)

  at-spi2-core @2.26.0_0 (active)

  atk @2.26.0_0 (active)

  autoconf @2.69_5 (active)

  autoconf-archive @2017.03.21_0 (active)

  automake @1.15.1_0 (active)

  bzip2 @1.0.6_0 (active)

  cairo @1.14.10_0+quartz+x11 (active)

  db48 @4.8.30_4 (active)

  dbus @1.10.20_0 (active)

  expat @2.2.4_0 (active)

  fontconfig @2.12.5_0 (active)

  freetype @2.8_0 (active)

  gawk @4.1.4_3 (active)

  gdbm @1.13_3 (active)

  gdk-pixbuf2 @2.36.10_1+x11 (active)

  gettext @ (active)

  glib2 @2.54.0_0+x11 (active)

  gnome-common @3.18.0_0 (active)

  gobject-introspection @1.54.0_0 (active)

  graphite2 @1.3.9_0 (active)

  harfbuzz @1.5.1_0 (active)

  hicolor-icon-theme @0.17_0 (active)

  intltool @0.51.0_3 (active)

  itstool @2.0.2_2 (active)

  jasper @2.0.14_0 (active)

  jpeg @9b_0 (active)

  libedit @20170329-3.1_1 (active)

  libepoxy @1.4.3_1+python36 (active)

  libffi @3.2.1_0 (active)

  libiconv @1.15_0 (active)

  libidn @1.33_0 (active)

  libpixman @0.34.0_0 (active)

  libpng @1.6.32_0 (active)

  libtool @2.4.6_3 (active)

  libxml2 @2.9.5_0 (active)

  libxslt @1.1.29_1 (active)

  mesa @17.1.6_0+osmesa+python27 (active)

  ncurses @6.0-20170916_0 (active)

  openssl @1.0.2l_0 (active)

  p5.24-encode-locale @1.50.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-file-listing @6.40.0_1 (active)

  p5.24-getopt-long @2.500.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-html-form @6.30.0_1 (active)

  p5.24-html-parser @3.720.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-html-tagset @3.200.0_4 (active)

  p5.24-http-cookies @6.40.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-http-daemon @6.10.0_1 (active)

  p5.24-http-date @6.20.0_1 (active)

  p5.24-http-message @6.130.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-http-negotiate @6.10.0_1 (active)

  p5.24-io-html @1.1.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-io-socket-ssl @2.51.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-libwww-perl @6.260.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-lwp-mediatypes @6.20.0_1 (active)

  p5.24-lwp-protocol-https @6.70.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-mozilla-ca @20160104_0 (active)

  p5.24-net-http @6.170.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-net-libidn @0.120.0_4 (active)

  p5.24-net-ssleay @1.810.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-pathtools @3.620.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-scalar-list-utils @1.490.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-sub-name @0.210.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-sub-uplevel @0.280.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-test-exception @0.430.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-test-nowarnings @1.40.0_1 (active)

  p5.24-test-warn @0.320.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-try-tiny @0.280.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-uri @1.720.0_0 (active)

  p5.24-www-robotrules @6.20.0_1 (active)

  p5.24-xml-parser @2.440.0_0 (active)

  pango @1.40.12_0+quartz+x11 (active)

  pcre @8.41_0 (active)

  perl5.24 @5.24.2_0 (active)

  pkgconfig @0.29.2_0 (active)

  py-libxml2 @2.9.5_0 (active)

  py27-beaker @1.8.1_0 (active)

  py27-libxml2 @2.9.5_0 (active)

  py27-mako @1.0.7_0 (active)

  py27-markupsafe @0.23_0 (active)

  py27-setuptools @36.5.0_0 (active)

  python2_select @0.0_2 (active)

  python27 @2.7.13_1 (active)

  python_select @0.3_7 (active)

  readline @7.0.003_1 (active)

  shared-mime-info @1.7_2 (active)

  sqlite3 @3.20.1_0 (active)

  tiff @4.0.8_0 (active)

  Xft2 @2.3.2_0 (active)

  xorg-compositeproto @0.4.2_0 (active)

  xorg-damageproto @1.2.1_0 (active)

  xorg-dri2proto @2.8_0 (active)

  xorg-fixesproto @5.0_0 (active)

  xorg-glproto @1.4.17_0 (active)

  xorg-inputproto @2.3.2_0 (active)

  xorg-kbproto @1.0.7_0 (active)

  xorg-libice @1.0.9_0 (active)

  xorg-libpthread-stubs @0.3_0 (active)

  xorg-libsm @1.2.2_0 (active)

  xorg-libX11 @1.6.5_0 (active)

  xorg-libXau @1.0.8_0 (active)

  xorg-libxcb @1.12_2+python27 (active)

  xorg-libXcomposite @0.4.4_0 (active)

  xorg-libXcursor @1.1.14_0 (active)

  xorg-libXdamage @1.1.4_0 (active)

  xorg-libXdmcp @1.1.2_0 (active)

  xorg-libXext @1.3.3_0 (active)

  xorg-libXfixes @5.0.3_0 (active)

  xorg-libXi @1.7.8_0 (active)

  xorg-libXinerama @1.1.3_0 (active)

  xorg-libXmu @1.1.2_0 (active)

  xorg-libXrandr @1.5.1_0 (active)

  xorg-libXt @1.1.5_1 (active)

  xorg-libXtst @1.2.3_0 (active)

  xorg-libXxf86vm @1.1.4_0 (active)

  xorg-randrproto @1.5.0_0 (active)

  xorg-recordproto @1.14.2_0 (active)

  xorg-renderproto @0.11.1_0 (active)

  xorg-xcb-proto @1.12_1+python27 (active)

  xorg-xcb-util @0.4.0_0 (active)

  xorg-xextproto @7.3.0_0 (active)

  xorg-xf86vidmodeproto @2.3.1_0 (active)

  xorg-xineramaproto @1.2.1_0 (active)

  xorg-xproto @7.0.31_0 (active)

  xrender @0.9.10_0 (active)

  xz @5.2.3_0 (active)

  zlib @1.2.11_0 (active)


Sorry for the inconvenience, but any suggestions?






From: Jiří Techet [mailto:techet at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, October 1, 2017 3:35 AM
To: Steven Blatnick <steve8track at yahoo.com>
Cc: Geany development list <devel at lists.geany.org>
Subject: Re: [Geany-Devel] OSX plugin development


Hi Steve,


yeah, I meant a different login. 


Oh, you use MacPorts too. I had some problems with MacPorts and jhuild in the past so that definitely could be it as well.




On Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 6:56 AM, Steven Blatnick <steve8track at yahoo.com <mailto:steve8track at yahoo.com> > wrote:

Thanks again for the quick reply.

When you say to use a separate account, do you mean a different login to osx? I'm not sure I can do that since this is a laptop I was issued from work that I wish to use geany plugins on. I think my best bet is to uninstall any homebrew (and macport?) gtk libraries and try again. 

Sorry I made you repeat your initial advice. I should have mentioned I didn't think I could try another account. If removing homebrew and deleting the gtk directory don't fix it, I suppose using jhbuild python is my next best option from your original email.



-------- Original Message --------
From:Jiří Techet 
Sent:Sat, 30 Sep 2017 13:15:16 -0600
To:Geany development list 
Subject:Re: [Geany-Devel] OSX plugin development

Hi Steve,


I found this issue




not sure if it's related.


In your case I suspect either some clash with Homebrew (in this case I recommend building in a separate account) or that you built part of the dependencies on previous macOS system and then upgraded to High Sierra where symbols in system libraries may differ. In this case I'd suggest deleting the whole gtk directory and starting over to make sure everything is built on the new system.






On Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 1:09 AM, <steve8track at yahoo.com <mailto:steve8track at yahoo.com> > wrote:

Ok, so I got through the dependencies (meta-gtk-osx-core), and ran:


export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

jhbuild -m geany.modules build geany-bundle


*** Building libgit2 *** [14/26]

make -j 9

[  0%] Linking C shared library libgit2.dylib

[ 79%] Built target libgit2_clar

dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _utimensat

  Referenced from: /Users/sblatnick/gtk/inst/bin/cmake

  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib


dyld: Symbol not found: _utimensat

  Referenced from: /Users/sblatnick/gtk/inst/bin/cmake

  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib


make[2]: *** [libgit2.dylib] Abort trap: 6

make[2]: *** Deleting file `libgit2.dylib'

make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/git2.dir/all] Error 2

make: *** [all] Error 2

*** Error during phase build of libgit2: ########## Error running make -j 9  *** [14/26]


  [1] Rerun phase build

  [2] Ignore error and continue to install

  [3] Give up on module

  [4] Start shell

  [5] Reload configuration

  [6] Go to phase "wipe directory and start over"


I’m not sure what is going wrong with building geany itself.






From: Devel [mailto:devel-bounces at lists.geany.org <mailto:devel-bounces at lists.geany.org> ] On Behalf Of Jirí Techet
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 3:02 AM
To: Geany development list <devel at lists.geany.org <mailto:devel at lists.geany.org> >
Subject: Re: [Geany-Devel] OSX plugin development


Hi Steve,


I slightly remember I got an error like this one in the past but I don't remember what exactly the problem was. Anyway, it's not good to mix dependencies from homebrew and jhbuild. If you have some environment variables set up to link against homebrew libraries, this is what could cause problems. I created a separate account on my machine from which I do the Geany build to be sure nothing like that is set up.


If you keep getting the error, you might also consider building python as part of the build process which is then used instead of the system python for the rest of the build. This means running


jhbuild bootstrap

jhbuild python

jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap

jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-core


When doing a change like that, it's best to remove the gtk directory because it changes dependencies and basically everything has to be rebuilt.


Apart from that everything else should work as described here:




When al the dependencies are built, you should be able to use the same stuff you use under linux for building your plugin. But be sure to run the build within a jhbuild shell - you need to run


jhbuild shell


which sets up the environment variables to use the dependencies built by jhbuild after you should be able to build your plugin in a normal way.


Let me know if you run into more problems.






On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 12:00 AM, <steve8track at yahoo.com <mailto:steve8track at yahoo.com> > wrote:

I’m trying to build plugins in OSX, and I’m a bit out of my element.


(I’ve had problems with my yahoo email not getting through to this list, but I haven’t had a chance to switch email accounts.  I hope this makes it.)


I’m following the guide on https://github.com/geany/geany-osx


I get stuck running in step 6:

jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap

checking for python module libxml2... ./configure: line 2422: 83400 Done                    echo "import $py_module"

     83401 Abort trap: 6           | python - >&/dev/null

not found

configure: error: Python module libxml2 is needed to run this package

*** Error during phase configure of itstool: ########## Error running ../configure --prefix /Users/steve/gtk/inst    *** [7/12]


  [1] Rerun phase configure

  [2] Ignore error and continue to build

  [3] Give up on module

  [4] Start shell

  [5] Reload configuration

  [6] Go to phase "wipe directory and start over"

  [7] Go to phase "clean"

  [8] Go to phase "distclean"


I’ve installed libxml2 via homebrew, and py-libxml2 and py27-libxml2 via macports to no avail.


I figured out how to build the .o file for one of my plugins:


gcc -c quick-search.c -fPIC -std=c99 -DGTK -I /Users/steve/projects/geany/geany/plugins/ -I /Users/steve/projects/geany/geany/src/ -I /Users/steve/projects/geany/geany/tagmanager/src/  -I /Users/steve/projects/geany/geany/scintilla/include/ `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0` `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` -I /Users/steve/projects/geany/geany/scintilla/


But not the ...so file.


Thanks for any help,



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Devel at lists.geany.org <mailto:Devel at lists.geany.org> 


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Devel at lists.geany.org <mailto:Devel at lists.geany.org> 



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