[Geany-Devel] [FT-plugins] Proposed "Features"

Lex Trotman elextr at xxxxx
Thu Sep 1 13:00:34 UTC 2016

>> It is of course always "possible", after all its a mere matter of
>> programming :)
>> And of course an instantiated class template is just a type, but what
>> is the name of std::vector<int> and std::vector<A> so it can be looked
>> up?
> vector<int> and vector<A>, with scope being std (I think trailing scope
> delimiters are not saved in the scope string of TMTag, just intermediate
> ones).

Sorry Thomas, I was a little mean and laid a trap.

std::vector has a second parameter, which has a default value so its
legal to omit it, but the type you will get from an accurate parser to
store in TM will be the complete type which will be something like
std::vector<int, std::allocator<int>> not just plain std::vector<int>.
This is the type you see printed in g++ and clang++ error messages for
template expansions, very messy.

So the way TM does a pure textual comparison of the prefix in the
source code `std::vector<int>` simply won't work to find

It also won't work if there are spaces as I showed in a previous post
`std::vector< int >` is perfectly legal C++ but won't match
`std::vector<int>`.  And before you ask, yes lots of code has the
spaces so that nested angle bracket closes (as in my
...allocator<int>> above) look like > > not the >> operator.  Being
able to omit the space and not have it seen as a shift right operator
is only a recent addition to the standard.

And for template functions declared as `template<class T>T& f(T& t){
return t<<1; }` they are used as simply `int a = f(1);` not an angle
bracket in sight, and a textual comparison to find the declaration for
a calltip isn't going to work because no such explicit declaration
exists. So how can TM answer whats legal here `f(std::cout).` (answer
all of std::ostream) versus here `f(1).` (answer nothing).

>> Good point, the FT-Plugin API needs functions for goto declaration and
>> goto definition.  Unlike TM, the plugin can take language and scope
>> rules into account when it answers, so you get the right declaration,
>> continuing the theme above, where would you go to find the declaration
>> of std::vector<int> ?
>> Certainly not the line:
>> std::vector<int> list_of_ints;
>> thats the declaration of `list_of_ints` but thats the only place that
>> `std::vector<int>` exists in the code.
> Ideally the header which defines std::vector<A> would be found (and maybe
> opened) right? Currently this isn't possible with TMTag (as var_type can
> only contain either vector<A> or vector<int>) but it shouldn't be too hard
> to make it work.

But now you are encoding language specific semantics into TM, and as I
noted above its more complicated than just that example.

Please don't get the idea from simple examples posted here that they
cover even a fraction of the craziness of languages (and not just C++
either, its simply the one I'm most familiar with).

 Like adding a generic_type field which is set for each
> template instance (containing vector<A>), then instead of looking up the
> decl of generic_type if it's not NULL, otherwise var_type.
> Of course, the TMTags associated with vector<A> and vector<int> would have
> to provided by the ft-plugin too (maybe there needs to be a new TMTagType
> for vector<A> too).

And don't forget that when trying to look up
`std::vector<int>::value_type` to see whats next, or to find the
declaration, either Geany or TM has to parse it and break it into the
elements `std`, `vector<int>` and `value_type`, ie has to know the
language syntax for template specialisations and namespaces,
`vector<int>` is not a legal name.  And as I said before, that syntax
varies between languages, so again you are encoding language specifics
into Geany or TM.

And in a final real piece of evil C++ for the day, variadic templates
with variable numbers of parameters (like C variadic functions with

std::get<1>(std::make_tuple(1 ,std::string("abc"), 3)).size(

ok, lets lookup the return type of std::make_tuple
http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/tuple/make_tuple thats
and the type of std::get<1>
http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/tuple/get hmmmm

And yep its all completely legal and idiomatic C++ and totally static
typed so should be no problem analysing it.

Sorry Colomban you didn't want see half the craziness of C++ I know :)

>>>> Of course moving the problem to plugin space doesn't mean the plugin
>>>> can't use Geany facilities where their capabilities fit the
>>>> requirement.  But we should not try to expand Geany to handle all
>>>> types of functionality.
>>>> Like your TM query interface, the plugins should answer the questions
>>>> like "whats the autocomplete here", "what calltips are relevant here"
>>>> with a flat list of data relevant to the question.
>>> My TM query interface wants to return all matching tags, including those
>>> found by ft-plugins. Can this be done?
>> Only if your query plugin queries the FT plugin.
> So that means
> 1) My plugin contains code specifically for each known ft-plugin (i.e. not
> the plugin API)

No, but the implementation inside Geany of the query interface that
you have added in your PR may have to know to call the FT-plugin to
answer the query, but the plugin using the query interface doesn't
need to know about that.

> 2) There needs to be a shared library which my plugin can use to call into
> the other plugin

I'm not sure why you would need a third dll even if you were having to
call the FT-plugin directly, you probably have to be passed its
g_module though.  But you shouldn't have to access the FT-plugin
directly unless you are doing something Geany doesn't support.

> 3) My plugin needs to know if and when to ask a ft-plugin

As I said unless you are asking a question Geany doesn't know how to
answer, then you shouldn't need to.

> This is not acceptable.

Be aware that as you say that, the alternative is for you to implement
all those language specifics I mentioned above in your plugin itself.

> Or are you saying Geany could provide a wrapper for
> this as Matthew suggested? That might be workable.

Yes, exactly.  As Matthew said in a previous post, for each feature
where a FT-plugin is involved the function inside Geany that provides
that feature is going to have to have an if near the front that makes
the decision if it uses the plugin or does it itself.  So if your
plugin uses that function you get the benefits of both


> Best regards.
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