[Geany-Devel] Msys2 to compile on win32

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at xxxxx
Sun Jun 14 14:48:42 UTC 2015

On 14/06/15 16:41, Thomas Martitz wrote:
> Am 14.06.2015 um 16:35 schrieb Enrico Tröger:
>> On 14/06/15 15:50, Thomas Martitz wrote:
>>> Am 14.06.2015 um 14:48 schrieb Enrico Tröger:
>>>> On 14/06/15 14:21, Thomas Martitz wrote:
>>>>> Why do you say self-compiled GTK? It is readily packaged for msys, I
>>>>> think we should be able to use that.
>>>> Oops, scratch the self-compiled. But we still need to create a
>>>> distributable GTK runtime environment. This is probably doable from the
>>>> installed GTK package, I guess.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Enrico
>>> I'm experimenting at this moment. The gtk/glib/etc package files can be
>>> found under /var/cache/pacman/pkg/$pkg-$ver.tar.xz. They can be
>>> extracted with tar to a working directory. But what to do afterwards?
>>> The wiki says to move the files under $geanydir/gtk, but how is the
>>> installer file created? The nsis gui is giving me an error:
>> Now that you have the release.py (see below), you can easily see it is
>> just:
>> makensis /V2 /DINCLUDE_GTK geany.nsi
> Thanks
>>> Error in macro MUI_PAGEDECLARATION_LICENSE on macroline 17
>>> Error in macro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE on macroline 6
>>> Error in script "C:\msys64\home\kugel\geany.git\geany.nsi" on line 87
>>> (geany.nsi:87 reads "!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
>>> "${RESOURCEDIR}\Copying.txt")
>> the Copying.txt is expected to be copied when installing Geany.
>> 'waf install' does this.
>> We cannot use a plain 'make install' on Windows as it is done on Linux,
>> the Geany wscript has some logic, yes and magic, to do things different
>> on Windows (like renaming AUTHORS, COPYING, README and so on to *.txt).
> Using msys2 we can use the autotools build system on windows. Therefore
> make install works just fine, installs to the dir given by ./configure
> --prefix=XXX.
> I guess since I use autotools Copying.txt isn't created (?). Also, do I

This is what I meant: we probably have to modify how 'make install'
works on Windows to create the files as it is done with Waf.

Or, what is probably easier and cleaner, do this post-install with the
release.py script.

For completeness: this affects not only the *.txt files but also install
locations of the data files and libraries.
At some point we had some discussion whether to use the same directory
on Windows as on Unix but I don't know the result.

While you are working on this, I guess decide yourself :).
I don't mind much as long as we get some kind of migration path for
users with existing installations. Though this should be easy enough by
performing a full uninstall and then install again.

> need to install to a special directory?

The current process (waf install + release.py + makensis) expects the
installation directory as a subdirectory of the source tree, e.g.
where c:\git\geany is the source tree.

But with a bit of adjusting path, any other directory should be possible
as well. Right now, release.py and geany.nsi just use relative paths. If
those are made absolute, it should work as well, I guess.


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