[Geany-Devel] GeanyLua compatiblity with Lua > 5.2

Dominic Hopf dmaphy at xxxxx
Fri Apr 24 21:31:32 UTC 2015

Hi guys,

I've noticed the GeanyLua plugin does not build with Lua versions
greater than 5.2. I've stumbled over this since I updated to the
current version of Fedora 22 Beta which is with Lua 5.3.0 already.

Is someone able to fix the issues and make the plugin compatible with
Lua versions greater than 5.2? Otherwise it will be quite a pity since
I would have to disable the plugin in the Geany Plugins Fedora package

I unfortunately am not able to have deeper looks into this myself, for
both reasons, missing knowledge and missing time.


Dominic Hopf 

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