[Geany-Devel] Geany performance

Pavel Roschin roshin at xxxxx
Sun Sep 29 12:41:20 UTC 2013

> Hmmm, bearing in mind we are now talking about the internals of the
> scintilla implementation of (one of) its backends.  It sort of makes sense
> that an "ensure visible" operation requires the lexer to be run to find the
> fold points so it can check that they are unfolded, and it is conceivable
> that checking visibility might require rendering as well (for the purpose
> of measuring what text fits on the screen, not actual display). And those
> then have to be done immediately, not delayed.  All of which adds to the
> the overhead.  

And again, it's obviously that we don't need to call this function, if position
equals zero or current position, right?

I don't know what is wrong with ML. I have "To" field - devel at lists.geany.org
and "Copy" - your mail. Removed you from copy.

Best regards,
Pavel Roschin aka RPG

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