[Geany-Devel] Interested making a patch to add QML support

Tory Gaurnier torygaurnier at xxxxx
Fri Sep 20 17:46:46 UTC 2013

On 09/19/2013 05:38 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:
> Le 20/09/2013 02:05, Tory Gaurnier a écrit :
>> On 09/19/2013 03:21 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:
>>> Le 20/09/2013 00:07, Tory Gaurnier a écrit :
>>>> [...]
>>>> So, the issue now is I can't really figure out how to build CTags, from
>>>> what I could figure out it seems I need to run the configure script to
>>>> add values to the Makefile.in, then run make -f Makefile.in, but that
>>>> doesn't seem to work, and there are no instructions that I can find on
>>>> building, I've checked the Readme
>>> It's in INSTALL, though a little too detailed (I guess this INSTALL file
>>> is just Autotool's one with slight modifications)
>>>> , and the FAQ. Have any of you guys
>>>> built CTags before and can point me in the right direction???
>>> You need to first generate the configure script using `autoreconf`, then
>>> run that configure script (`./configure [OPTIONS]`, which will generate
>>> Makefiles), and then run make:
>>>      autoreconf -v && ./configure && make
>>> Regards,
>>> Colomban
>> Ok, so now when I build it, I'm getting some warning, I'm not sure if
>> these are normal or if something needs to be configured, I'm getting
>> these warnings on build:
>> [...]
> Those are "normal" and harmless.  Actually this means the CTags guys
> should fix a little thing in their configure.ac but that's no biggie and
> not your problem.
>> Then the rest appears normal.
> Good :)
>> Then when I run, the program segfaults on freeParserResources () at
>> parse.c:364
>> Which is this line of code: eFree (lang->name);
>> Which is being called from main.c:572
>> Now my findQMLTags function in my qml.c file is very closely following
>> the awk.c function findAwkTags, so I don't see how it could be caused by
>> this, but I may be wrong.
> You should not manually set def->name, this is set by parserNew() as the
> name you give it.  And the reason it segfaults is because it should be
> an allocated string -- but again, you should just not touch it.
>> #include "general.h"    /* always include first */
>> #include <string.h>     /* to declare strxxx() functions */
> you should include <ctype.h> for isspace() and isalnum().
>> #include "parse.h"      /* always include */
>> #include "read.h"       /* to define file fileReadLine() */
>> [...]
>> extern parserDefinition *QMLParser(void) {
>>      parserDefinition* def = parserNew("QML");
>>      static const char *const extensions [] = { "QML", NULL };
>>      def->name = "QML";
> here, remove this line.
>>      def->kinds = QMLKinds;
>>      def->kindCount = KIND_COUNT(QMLKinds);
>>      def->extensions = extensions;
>>      def->parser = findQMLTags;
>>      //def->parser2; // Not sure I will need this
> parser2 is for "retry parsers", e.g. if your parser should use an
> alternative algorithm or something if it encountered something in the
> middle of the file.  This is rarely needed.  Fortran parser uses it to
> switch to free form if struct form failed, and C one uses it to try a
> different branch conditional method.
>>      def->regex = FALSE;
> you don't need to set this, it's the default -- though, it's harmless to
> set it again.
>>      return def;
>> }
>> ----CODE ENDS HERE----
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Just thought I would give you guys an update, it's coming along quite 
nicely now, it can successfully find all the Javascript functions and 
QML Objects, now I'm just working on getting the IDs of the QML Objects 
if they exist, and I've pretty much figured out how that part's going to 

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