[Geany-Devel] Interested making a patch to add QML support

Tory Gaurnier torygaurnier at xxxxx
Wed Sep 18 18:47:44 UTC 2013

On 09/17/2013 06:45 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:
> On 13-09-17 03:59 PM, Tory Gaurnier wrote:
>> [...]
>> I didn't realize I'd have to create the lexer myself. Is it possible 
>> to use the C lexer that's already in Geany and then work it into the 
>> QML file type? The only thing I really want to get working is the 
>> symbol list (which would be the ctags thing you refered to if I'm not 
>> mistaken, right?).
> You could look at the CTags tutorial about extending[1], it has an 
> example for writing a "regex-based" parser which will probably be 
> quite a bit easier for a language like QML, if maybe less powerful 
> than a character-based parser.
> Cheers,
> Matthew Brush
> [1] http://ctags.sourceforge.net/EXTENDING.html
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Ok, so I've been looking at the CTags tutorial you posted, and it really 
looks pretty easy, especially using regex, but there is one thing I 
can't find. Would you happen to know if when using regex it's possible 
to have mulitple regexes? For example, the tutorial has this:

|addTagRegex (language, "^def[ \t]*([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)", "\\1", "d,definition", NULL);|

Which is using the regex to create tags labelled 'definition' (unless 
I'm missing something). But since QML supports javascript I at the very 
least want to have it recognize Items/Components, and functions. And I'd 
eventually like to have it label the Items/Components by ID if it's present.

Now I know there's also the callback method, but for now, do you know if 
it will work to have addTagRegex appear multiple times?

Also, I can't seem to find anything on how I'll even test this, do you 
know if ctags can maybe be run from terminal or something???

Anyways, I know I'm asking a lot of questions, so thanks for all the help.
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