[Geany-Devel] Adding a plugin

Frank Lanitz frank at xxxxx
Sat Jun 8 10:02:04 UTC 2013

On Sat, 08 Jun 2013 02:54:38 -0700
Roger Booth <rbooth at kabooth.com> wrote:

> One thing I could ask for is a reference in the docs to where I can
> find the correspondence between api and abi. Maybe thats the wrong
> question, but anyway, how do i know which abi version I need? This is
> in regards to PLUGIN_VERSION_CHECK(xxx)

A lot of functions have a note at Geany's API documentation, since
which version of Geany they are avaialble. E.g. Since: 0.16 at
At http://wiki.geany.org/plugins/development/api-versions you can find
also the connection between API and ABI as well as the corresponding
Geany version.

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