[Geany-devel] Killing Builds

Lex Trotman elextr at xxxxx
Tue Aug 18 23:29:58 UTC 2009

2009/8/19 Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>:
> On Tue, 18 Aug 2009 11:39:18 +1000, Lex wrote:
>>Hi All,
> Same to you :).
>>As requested by Enrico, a new thread for discussion of issues around
>>killing builds and UI changes.
> Thanks.
>>>Yes, as you say it, I'm thinking about. We actually could add a
>>>separate Stop button for the toolbar and the Build menu, That would
>>>obsolete a lot of not so nice code in build.c which deals with the
>>>double action of the button. And since the toolbar is pretty easy to
>>>configure these days, that probably would not be a big deal UI-wise.
>>>Though I don't have a strong opinion on that. Just share your thoughts
>>>about this, maybe in a separate new thread.
>>The switching execute menu items is a lot cleaner in the build-system
>>version. At leasts IMHO, shouldn't comment on own code should I.;-)
> Hehe.
> Ok, I'm not sure right now what way is better apart from the
> quality of the code :).
> Maybe I or someone else get some more ideas about this after we finally
> merged the branch into trunk.


>>My real concern is that Geany should not have a built-in kill build
>>because of the difficulties associated with killing every child
>>spawned from the build and the risk of the build directories being
> I fully and completely agree.
> If necessary this could most probably be done in a plugin or with an
> external script which is called from within Geany as just another build
> command or whatever.
>>left in a strange state when the build is killed.  This is especially
>>true now that the build sysytem can run anything in any directory.
>>That took up lots of the discussion on the previous thread and I won't
>>repeat it here.
>>Thats why I encouraged Thomas to write an external script that users
>>can configure into Geany and modify if needed.  If we coded something
>>into Geany then users can't fix it to solve problems they run into.
>>This also helps with portability, users can create and contribute
>>scripts for many different systems where finding child processes
>>differ or where the particular scripting language doesn't exist.
>>Of course having a specific menu item and toolbar which can be
>>configured to run that script is still ok, I wouldn't have a problem
>>with it in the build menu, it would essentially be an execute menu
> Not sure whether that is really necessary.
> If I'm not totally wrong, you can also call a fancy 'I kill everything
> which I want to kill' script as an usual build command, if so, I don't
> see a need for an extra separate stop action button/menu item.
> Note that this is different from the Execute/Stop button as described
> above.

Well kill build can't be a normal build menu item since they are
insensitive while builds are running :-)

Could be an execute menu item though, with the label configured to
"kill-build""  Could make a film title, oh! already done! :-D
(cultural reference, your humour may vary)

Urm Thomas' post just came through, I guess showing the terminal is an
issue with execute menu items, although it ensures that there is
somewhere for panic messages from the script to go.

Is the kill going to be used that often by most users to make it worth
adding extra handling?


> Regards,
> Enrico
> --
> Get my GPG key from http://www.uvena.de/pub.asc
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