[Geany-devel] Calltip and autocomplete interaction

Thomas Martitz thomas.martitz at xxxxx
Sat Aug 8 00:30:56 UTC 2009

Lex Trotman schrieb:
> Hi,
> I agree, I'm not sure its a big problem, but then again if the calltip
> was covering something I needed to read whilst typing the parameter
> I'd be annoyed so..
> I suggest that the behavior from the user point of view should follow
> a simple state machine:
> Three states, not displayed, displayed, hidden
> State not displayed
> on ( show calltip and go to state displayed
> on calltip keybinding show calltip go to state displayed
> State displayed
> on autocomplete replace calltip with autocomplete
> on autocomplete removed (by acceptance or dismissal or mismatch) show calltip
> on ) hide calltip and go to state not displayed
> on user dismissal of calltip (down arrow or esc) hide calltip and go
> to state hidden
> State hidden
> on autocomplete show autocomplete
> on autocomplete removed do not show calltip
> on ) go to state not displayed
> on show calltip keybinding show calltip go to state displayed
> What this is doing is that if the user dismisses the calltip it stays
> dismissed until the user asks for it again, but if non-user action
> removes the calltip (like Geany displaying autocomplete) then it is
> re-displayed as soon as possible.
> I havn't had time to look at how different this is to the current code.
> Cheers
> Lex

That sounds like complicating stuff necessarily to me.

Best regards.

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