[Geany-devel] ANN: Uploaded new plugin to plugin svn - geanylipsum

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at xxxxx
Thu Nov 27 17:47:33 UTC 2008

On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 09:32:15 +0100, Frank Lanitz <frank at frank.uvena.de>

>Hi guys, 
>Just a little FYI ;) 
>I've uploaded a very first version of geanylipsum plugin to
>geany-plugins subversion. It is intended to provide a lipsum generator
>for the user. 
>It is far away from being stable or finished but I wanted to share the
>code for some feedback or ideas how something like this could work. 

The best thing you could do for getting it more tested is to enable
building it with Waf :).
Simply add it to the geany-plugins' wscript.


Get my GPG key from http://www.uvena.de/pub.asc
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