[Geany-devel] C/C++ Header filetypes / templates

Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger at xxxxx
Thu Nov 13 13:09:52 UTC 2008

On Thu, 13 Nov 2008 19:39:43 +1100, "Lex Trotman" <elextr at gmail.com>

>Hi Guys,
>Further thoughts on how to allow variations on the commands associated
>with a filetype, I would propose having a concept of a variant of a
>filetype. This is just extra information determined from a subset of
>the filetypes extensions.  It can be implemented fully configurable
>from the filetypes.xxx file so no hard coded magic.  An extract of the
>extended filetypes.c below shows what I mean:
> [...]
>Attached is a patch against the build-system branch revision 3195
>which was before header filetypes changes.  It gives you an idea of
>the amount of code needed to set the variant commands, not too much
>really and fairly localised.  Obviously saving/restoring and using
>them is part of the upcoming build system changes so the patch does
>nothing visible.

Sorry guys,

but it seems we are getting a little off the road.
The build-system branch has started to improve the build system a
little, making it more flexible while keeping it almost as simple and
easy to use as it by now.
But all this is far away from this. I remember the beginning of this
whole discussion where I stated my concerns about possible complexity
introduced by Lex' suggestions. He then answered things will stay easy
to use but only more flexible. The above don't seem so, sorry.

I don't want to block new things but I really want to keep the build
system easy to use. I'd be happy to have some super-flexible and
super-fancy build command things in a plugin which can build every file
with every option in every possible way at any time or whatever.

But back to topic:

if we remove is_c_header() in build.c, header files can be compiled in
the same way as any other C/C++ file. So I still don't see why you want
anything more. At least, any other change is IMO not related to header
files directly anymore.
C header files are simple C source files, same syntax, same language.
Only with different semantics but this doesn't affect the compiler or
its options. I can compile header files with the same options as source
files (to some extend, I'm really talking about compiling, not linking).
Analogous the same is true for C++ headers and source files.
But we all said this already.

And as far as I understood, your main intention on compiling header
files is to easily check for compile errors. That way, the current
Compile command should be enough (of course, with is_c_header() code
being removed).


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