[geany/www.geany.org] 1102dc: Document website administration and deployment

Enrico Tröger git-noreply at xxxxx
Sun Jun 7 22:14:00 UTC 2020

Branch:      refs/heads/master
Author:      Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>
Committer:   Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger at uvena.de>
Date:        Sun, 07 Jun 2020 22:14:00 UTC
Commit:      1102dc68ceba02901916fb65aca368d07ee713aa

Log Message:
Document website administration and deployment

Modified Paths:

Modified: README.md
132 lines changed, 128 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
@@ -1,9 +1,133 @@
-This is the new website code for www.geany.org.
-It's based on Django and uses Mezzanine (http://mezzanine.jupo.org/, the coolest Django CMS)
+## About
+This is the website code for <https://www.geany.org>.
+It's based on Django and uses Mezzanine (<https://mezzanine.jupo.org/>, the coolest Django CMS)
 for content management.
+## Management And Maintenance
+### Admin Area
+To enter the Django admin area, just open <https://geany.org/admin/>.
+In case you forgot your username and/or password or when it never had been set before,
+use the password reset form with your registered email address.
+### Set Latest Version on release time
+When releasing Geany, the website should be updated as well.
+This is easily done by editing the version number at
+After the latest version has been updated in the admin area, it may take
+a few minutes until cached contents have expired.
+Afterwards, all references on the website where the version number
+is used, are up to date.
+### Deploy Content Changes from GIT to the website
+To change any content on the website, find and edit the corresponding
+Markdown source file in this repository's `page_content` directory.
+The directories and files in therein represent the website page structure.
+After you made your changes, commit and push the changed file(s) to GIT.
+Then open <https://geany.org/admin/mezzanine_sync_pages/mezzaninesyncpages/>,
+check `Execute "git pull"` and press `Sync Pages`.
+Then the current website's pages are synced with the file contents in the
+GIT repository. For your convenience, after the sync has finished you are
+presented with an overview and diff of all made changes.
+Please note, there is no dry-run, preview or rollback of the performed changes.
+Only the diff of the changes *after* they have been applied.
+#### Special Pages
+There are a few special pages which cannot be synced the way described above.
+This is because those pages are partially or completely rendered dynamically
+with non-static content.
+  * contribute/translation/statistics.md: generate nightly from source code
+  * documentation/releasenotes.md: generated from Github upon request
+  * documentation/todo.md: generated from Github upon request
+  * download/nightly-builds.md: generated upon request
+  * fake.md: dummy page for various non-CMS pages like pastebin.geany.org and more
+  * support/irc.md: dynamic content is added to the page upon request
+#### Supported Markdown Extensions
+There are a couple of Markdown extensions enabled for the website, mainly
+to support similar features like Github Flavored Markdown provides:
+  * pymdownx.magiclink
+  * pymdownx.betterem
+  * pymdownx.tilde
+  * pymdownx.tasklist
+  * pymdownx.superfences
+  * nl2br (transform line breaks to HTML `<br>` tags)
+  * tables
+  * toc
+For details and usage instructions of the listed extensions, please see
+the documentation at <https://facelessuser.github.io/pymdown-extensions/>.
+#### Page Content Management Commands
+  * `venv/bin/python manage.py sync_pages`
+    This command can be used to sync the website's pages with the
+    file contents in the GIT repository (like described above).
+  * `venv/bin/python manage.py dump_pages`
+    Perform a backwards sync, i.e. read the current website's pages
+    content and write it as Markdown files into the repository's
+    `page_content` directory.
+    Be careful, this command should only be executed initially or
+    only if you really know what you are doing.
+    It will overwrite any previous contents in the `page_content`
+    directory without confirmation.
+## Deployment
+To be able to deploy the code, you need a working SSH connection
+to the geany.org server. Obviously, this implies an user account
+on the server.
+### Using Fabric
+To deploy the code the following steps are necessary:
+  * Install Fabric (<https://www.fabfile.org/>, version 2 or later) on your
+    local machine: `pip install fabric` or use the system package manager
+  * `cd <path-to-the-code-repository>`
+  * `fab deploy`
+  * Done.
+### Alternative Way (remote only)
+You can also deploy the code to the website using a SSH shell
+on the server and perform the commands manually which would have
+been executed by Fabric otherwise.
+  * Login to geany.org with your user via SSH: `ssh geany.org`
+  * Switch to the Django user: `sudjango`
+  * Execute all or only some of the following commands:
+      ```sh
+      cd /srv/django/www.geany.org
+      git pull
+      venv/bin/python manage.py clean_pyc
+      venv/bin/python manage.py compile_pyc
+      venv/bin/python manage.py check
+      venv/bin/python manage.py pygments_styles
+      venv/bin/python manage.py collectstatic --clear --no-input --verbosity 0
+      venv/bin/python manage.py compress --verbosity 0
+      venv/bin/python manage.py migrate --run-syncdb
+      venv/bin/python manage.py clear_cache
+      ```
+  * Exit the shell session for user "django"
+  * Restart the Uwsgi server: `sudo systemctl restart geany.org.service`
+  * Done.

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