[geany/geany-osx] bc0bbc: Use the latest version of VTE

Jiří Techet git-noreply at xxxxx
Mon Oct 14 09:35:08 UTC 2019

Branch:      refs/heads/master
Author:      Jiří Techet <techet at gmail.com>
Committer:   Jiří Techet <techet at gmail.com>
Date:        Mon, 14 Oct 2019 09:35:08 UTC
Commit:      bc0bbc83fc5c412f32a9f7ed90e207f53e224b40

Log Message:
Use the latest version of VTE

For now we can't use a release because _b_symbolic_functions was just
added to master.

Modified Paths:

Modified: geany.modules
18 lines changed, 10 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
@@ -51,20 +51,22 @@
-  <!-- disable vala for now, there seems to be some problem -->
-  <autotools id="vte291"
-             autogenargs="--disable-Bsymbolic --without-gnutls --enable-vala=no" 
-             autogen-sh="configure">
-    <branch module="vte/0.56/vte-${version}.tar.xz" 
-            version="0.56.3">
+  <meson id="vte291" mesonargs="-Dgnutls=false -Dvapi=false -D_b_symbolic_functions=false">
+	<!-- TODO: use some official release once it contains the _b_symbolic_functions config option
+    <branch module="vte/0.58/vte-${version}.tar.xz" 
+            version="0.58.2">
+      -->
+    <branch repo="gitlab.gnome.org"
+		module="vte.git"
+		branch="master"
+		tag="347f7dd9b1c11244156bfb593866306c735cb06a">
       <!-- Make paths relative to bundle (fallback to system paths if not found) -->
       <patch file="https://github.com/geany/geany-osx/raw/master/patches/03-vte_2.91_relpath.patch" strip="1" />
-      <!-- <dep package="vala" /> -->
       <dep package="pcre2" />
-  </autotools>
+  </meson>
   <!-- Needed by the used GTK 2 theme -->
   <autotools id="murrine-engine" 

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