[geany/geany] 9f4407: Add `require_relative` in ruby syntax highlighting (#1472)

Jacob H. Pratt git-noreply at xxxxx
Sat Apr 29 01:20:38 UTC 2017

Branch:      refs/heads/master
Author:      Jacob H. Pratt <the.z.cuber at gmail.com>
Committer:   elextr <elextr at gmail.com>
Date:        Sat, 29 Apr 2017 01:20:38 UTC
Commit:      9f4407ca29ac4dd6401fbc0688fb8c244158ae3d

Log Message:
Add `require_relative` in ruby syntax highlighting (#1472)

Modified Paths:

Modified: data/filedefs/filetypes.ruby
2 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ pod=comment_doc
 # all items must be in one line
-primary=__FILE__ load define_method attr_accessor attr_writer attr_reader and def end in or self unless __LINE__ begin defined? ensure module redo super until BEGIN break do false next rescue then when END case else for nil include require retry true while alias class elsif if not return undef yield
+primary=__FILE__ load define_method attr_accessor attr_writer attr_reader and def end in or self unless __LINE__ begin defined? ensure module redo super until BEGIN break do false next rescue then when END case else for nil include require require_relative retry true while alias class elsif if not return undef yield

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