[geany/geany] 658821: api: add script to generate {geany, geany-scintilla}-gtkdoc.h

Thomas Martitz git-noreply at xxxxx
Tue Mar 1 19:40:04 UTC 2016

Branch:      refs/heads/master
Author:      Thomas Martitz <kugel at rockbox.org>
Committer:   Thomas Martitz <kugel at rockbox.org>
Date:        Sun, 07 Feb 2016 16:50:23 UTC
Commit:      658821d2dd89feb347f860dd3831b569b7a40164

Log Message:
api: add script to generate {geany,geany-scintilla}-gtkdoc.h

The script reads the doxygen xml output and generates two headers (optionally
a single header) that contains all of the plugin API in gtk-doc format.

Two headers because it's preferrable to group Scintilla related stuff
into its own namespace. This is a lot easier if g-ir-scanner can
work with a separate header file. If we change minds later on the script is
prepared to generate only one header.

Modified Paths:

Modified: configure.ac
1 lines changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ AC_SUBST([pkgdatadir])
 # Documentation tools
 # libgeany

Modified: doc/Doxyfile.in
3 lines changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
@@ -845,7 +845,8 @@ RECURSIVE              = NO
 # Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is
 # run.
-EXCLUDE                =
+EXCLUDE                = @top_srcdir@/doc/geany-gtkdoc.h \
+                         @top_srcdir@/doc/geany-scintilla-gtkdoc.h
 # The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or
 # directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded

Modified: doc/Makefile.am
24 lines changed, 22 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@@ -104,19 +104,39 @@ doxygen_sources = \
 # for xml output
 Doxyfile-gi: Doxyfile
 	$(AM_V_GEN)$(SED) \
+		-e 's,addtogir=@internal,addtogir=,' \
 		-e 's,^\(GENERATE_HTML.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
 		-e 's,^\(GENERATE_XML.*\)NO,\1YES,' \
 		-e 's,^\(WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
+		-e 's,^\(SORT_MEMBER_DOCS.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
+		-e 's,^\(SORT_BRIEF_DOCS.*\)YES,\1NO,' \
 		$< > $@ || { $(RM) $@ && exit 1; }
 Doxyfile.stamp: Doxyfile Doxyfile-gi $(doxygen_sources)
 	$(AM_V_GEN)$(DOXYGEN) Doxyfile-gi && $(DOXYGEN) Doxyfile && echo "" > $@
-all-local: Doxyfile.stamp
+ALL_TARGETS = Doxyfile.stamp
+geany-scintilla-gtkdoc.h: geany-gtkdoc.h
+geany-gtkdoc.h: Doxyfile.stamp $(top_srcdir)/scripts/gen-api-gtkdoc.py
+	$(AM_V_GEN)$(top_srcdir)/scripts/gen-api-gtkdoc.py xml -d $(builddir) \
+	-o geany-gtkdoc.h --sci-output geany-scintilla-gtkdoc.h
+ALL_TARGETS += geany-gtkdoc.h geany-scintilla-gtkdoc.h
+geany_includedir = $(includedir)/geany/gtkdoc
+geany_include_HEADERS = geany-gtkdoc.h geany-scintilla-gtkdoc.h
+all-local: $(ALL_TARGETS)
 clean-local: clean-api-docs-local
-	-rm -rf reference/ xml/ Doxyfile.stamp doxygen_*
+	-rm -rf reference/ xml/ doxygen_* $(ALL_TARGETS)

Modified: m4/geany-docutils.m4
13 lines changed, 13 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 	AM_CONDITIONAL([WITH_RST2PDF], [test "x$geany_enable_pdf_docs" != "xno"])
 	GEANY_STATUS_ADD([Build PDF documentation], [$geany_enable_pdf_docs])
+dnl For gtkdoc header generation
+	AM_PATH_PYTHON([2.7], [], [])
+		[GEANY_STATUS_ADD([Using Python version], [$PYTHON_VERSION])])

Modified: scripts/gen-api-gtkdoc.py
411 lines changed, 411 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+from lxml import etree
+from optparse import OptionParser
+xml_dir = None
+outfile = None
+scioutfile = None
+parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] XML_DIR")
+parser.add_option("--xmldir", metavar="DIRECTORY", help="Path to Doxygen-generated XML files",
+	action="store", dest="xml_dir")
+parser.add_option("-d", "--outdir", metavar="DIRECTORY", help="Path to Doxygen-generated XML files",
+	action="store", dest="outdir", default=".")
+parser.add_option("-o", "--output", metavar="FILE", help="Write output to FILE",
+	action="store", dest="outfile")
+parser.add_option("--sci-output", metavar="FILE", help="Write scintilla_object_* output to FILE",
+	action="store", dest="scioutfile")
+(opts,args) = parser.parse_args()
+xml_dir = args[0]
+if (opts.outfile):
+	outfile = open(opts.outfile, "w+")
+	outfile=sys.stdout
+if (opts.scioutfile):
+	scioutfile = open(opts.scioutfile, "w+")
+	scioutfile = outfile
+if (outfile is None):
+	sys.stderr.write("no output file\n")
+	exit(1)
+if not (os.path.exists(xml_dir)):
+	sys.stderr.write("invalid xml directory\n")
+	exit(1)
+# " asd\nxxx  " => "asd xxx"
+def normalize_text(s):
+	return s.replace("\n", " ").lstrip().rstrip()
+assert(normalize_text("asd xxx") == "asd xxx")
+assert(normalize_text(" asd\nxxx  ") == "asd xxx")
+# doxygen records some definitions in C++ style, fix those
+# "bool FooBar::flag" => "bool flag"
+# void(* _GeanyObjectClass::project_open) (GKeyFile *keyfile) => void(* project_open) (GKeyFile *keyfile)
+prog = re.compile(r'[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*::')
+def fix_definition(s):
+	return prog.sub(r"", s);
+assert(fix_definition("bool flag") == "bool flag")
+assert(fix_definition("bool FooBar::flag") == "bool flag")
+assert(fix_definition("void(* _GeanyObjectClass::project_open) (GKeyFile *keyfile)") == "void(* project_open) (GKeyFile *keyfile)")
+transform = etree.XSLT(etree.parse(os.path.join(xml_dir, "combine.xslt")))
+doc = etree.parse(os.path.join(xml_dir, "index.xml"))
+root = transform(doc)
+class AtAt(object):
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.retval = None
+		self.since = ""
+		self.annot = []
+	def cb(type, str):
+		return "@%s %s" % (type, str)
+class AtDoc(object):
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.retval = None
+		self.since = ""
+		self.annot = []
+	def cb(self, type, str):
+		if (type == "param"):
+			words = str.split(" ", 2);
+			#~ self.params.append(GtkDocParam.new(words[0], words[1].rstrip, self.annot))
+			self.annot = []
+		elif (type == "return"):
+			#~ self.retval = GtkDocReturn.new(str.rstrip, self.annot)
+			self.annot = []
+		elif (type == "since"):
+			self.since = str.rstrip()
+		elif (type == "geany:skip"):
+			self.annot.append("skip")
+		elif (type == "geany:nullable") or (type == "geany:skip"):
+			self.annot.append(type.split(":")[1])
+		elif (type == "geany:cb"):
+			self.annot.append("scope notified")
+		elif (type == "geany:cbdata"):
+			self.annot.append("closure")
+		elif (type == "geany:cbfree"):
+			self.annot.append("destroy")
+		elif (type == "geany:transfer") or (type == "geany:element-type") or (type == "geany:scope"):
+			type = type.split(":")[1]
+			self.annot.append("%s %s" % (type, str))
+		elif (type ==  "see"):
+			return "See " + str
+		elif (type ==  "a"):
+			if (str != "NULL"): # FIXME: some of geany does @a NULL
+				return "@" + str
+			else:
+				return str
+		else:
+			return str
+		return ""
+class At(object):
+	def __init__(self, cb):
+		self.cb = cb
+class DoxygenProcess(object):
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.at = None
+	# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4624062/get-all-text-inside-a-tag-in-lxml
+	@staticmethod
+	def stringify_children(node):
+		from lxml.etree import tostring
+		from itertools import chain
+		parts = ([node.text] +
+				list(chain(*([c.text, tostring(c).decode("utf-8"), c.tail] for c in node.getchildren()))) +
+				[node.tail])
+		# filter removes possible Nones in texts and tails
+		return "".join(filter(None, parts))
+	def get_program_listing(self, xml):
+		#~ return "--- CODE ---"
+		from lxml.etree import tostring
+		arr = ["", "|[<!-- language=\"C\" -->"]
+		for l in xml.getchildren():
+			if (l.tag == "codeline"):
+				# a codeline is of the form
+				# <highlight class="normal">GeanyDocument<sp/>*doc<sp/>=<sp/>...;</highlight>
+				# <sp/> tags must be replaced with spaces, then just use the text
+				#~ html = self.stringify_children(l)
+				#~ print(etree.HTML(html))
+				h = l.find("highlight")
+				if h is not None:
+					html = tostring(h).decode("utf-8")
+					html = html.replace("<sp/>", " ")
+					arr.append("  " + tostring(etree.HTML(html), method="text").decode("utf-8"))
+		arr.append("]|")
+		return "\n".join(arr)
+	def join_annot(self):
+		s = " ".join(map(lambda x: "(%s)" % x, self.at.annot))
+		return s + ": " if s else ""
+	def process_element(self, xml):
+		self.at = AtDoc()
+		s = self.__process_element(xml)
+		return s
+	def get_extra(self):
+		return self.join_annot()
+	def get_return(self):
+		return self.at.retval
+	def get_since(self):
+		return self.at.since
+	def __process_element(self, xml):
+		s = ""
+		if xml.text:
+			s += xml.text
+		for n in xml.getchildren():
+			if n.tag == "emphasis":
+				s += self.at.cb("a", self.__process_element(n))
+			if n.tag == "computeroutput":
+				s += self.at.cb("c", self.__process_element(n))
+			if n.tag == "itemizedlist":
+				s += "\n" + self.__process_element(n)
+			if n.tag == "listitem":
+				s += " - " + self.__process_element(n)
+			if n.tag == "para":
+				s += self.__process_element(n) + "\n"
+			if n.tag == "ref":
+				s += n.text if n.text else ""
+			if n.tag == "simplesect":
+				ss = self.at.cb(n.get("kind"), self.__process_element(n))
+				s += ss if ss + "\n" else ""
+			if n.tag == "programlisting":
+				s += self.get_program_listing(n)
+			if n.tag == "xrefsect":
+				s += self.__process_element(n)
+			if n.tag == "xreftitle":
+				s += self.__process_element(n) + ": "
+			if n.tag == "xrefdescription":
+				s += self.__process_element(n)
+			if n.tag == "ulink":
+				s += self.__process_element(n)
+			if n.tag == "linebreak":
+				s += "\n"
+			if n.tag == "ndash":
+				s += "--"
+				# workaround for doxygen bug #646002
+			if n.tag == "htmlonly":
+				s += ""
+			if n.tail:
+				s += n.tail
+			if n.tag.startswith("param"):
+				pass # parameters are handled separately in DoxyFunction::from_memberdef()
+		return s
+class DoxyMember(object):
+	def __init__(self, name, brief, extra = ""):
+		self.name       = name
+		self.brief      = brief
+		self.extra      = extra
+class DoxyElement(object):
+	def __init__(self, name, definition, **kwargs):
+		self.name       = name
+		self.definition = definition
+		self.brief      = kwargs.get('brief', "")
+		self.detail     = kwargs.get('detail', "")
+		self.members    = kwargs.get('members', [])
+		self.since      = kwargs.get('since', "")
+		self.extra      = kwargs.get('extra', "")
+		self.retval     = kwargs.get('retval', None)
+	def is_documented(self):
+		if (normalize_text(self.brief)) != "":
+			return True
+		return False
+	def add_brief(self, xml):
+		proc = DoxygenProcess()
+		self.brief = proc.process_element(xml)
+		self.extra += proc.get_extra()
+	def add_detail(self, xml):
+		proc = DoxygenProcess()
+		self.detail = proc.process_element(xml)
+		self.extra += proc.get_extra()
+		self.since = proc.get_since()
+	def add_member(self, xml):
+		name = xml.find("name").text
+		proc = DoxygenProcess()
+		brief = proc.process_element(xml.find("briefdescription"))
+		# optional doxygen command output appears within <detaileddescription />
+		proc.process_element(xml.find("detaileddescription"))
+		self.members.append(DoxyMember(name, normalize_text(brief), proc.get_extra()))
+	def add_param(self, xml):
+		name = xml.find("parameternamelist").find("parametername").text
+		proc = DoxygenProcess()
+		brief = proc.process_element(xml.find("parameterdescription"))
+		self.members.append(DoxyMember(name, normalize_text(brief), proc.get_extra()))
+	def add_return(self, xml):
+		proc = DoxygenProcess()
+		brief = proc.process_element(xml)
+		self.retval = DoxyMember("ret", normalize_text(brief), proc.get_extra())
+	def to_gtkdoc(self):
+		s  = []
+		s.append("/**")
+		s.append(" * %s: %s" % (self.name, self.extra))
+		for p in self.members:
+			s.append(" * @%s: %s %s" % (p.name, p.extra, p.brief))
+		s.append(" *")
+		s.append(" * %s" % self.brief.replace("\n", "\n * "))
+		s.append(" *")
+		s.append(" * %s" % self.detail.replace("\n", "\n * "))
+		s.append(" *")
+		if self.retval:
+			s.append(" * Returns: %s %s" % (self.retval.extra, self.retval.brief))
+		if self.since:
+			s.append(" *")
+			s.append(" * Since: %s" % self.since)
+		s.append(" */")
+		s.append("")
+		return "\n".join(s)
+class DoxyTypedef(DoxyElement):
+	@staticmethod
+	def from_memberdef(xml):
+		name = xml.find("name").text
+		d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text).replace("G_BEGIN_DECLS", "")
+		d += ";"
+		return DoxyTypedef(name, d)
+class DoxyEnum(DoxyElement):
+	@staticmethod
+	def from_memberdef(xml):
+		name = xml.find("name").text
+		d = "typedef enum {\n"
+		for member in xml.findall("enumvalue"):
+			v = member.find("initializer")
+			d += "\t%s%s,\n" % ( member.find("name").text, " "+v.text if v is not None else "")
+		d += "} %s;\n" % name
+		e = DoxyEnum(name, d)
+		e.add_brief(xml.find("briefdescription"))
+		for p in xml.findall("enumvalue"):
+			e.add_member(p)
+		return e
+class DoxyStruct(DoxyElement):
+	@staticmethod
+	def from_compounddef(xml, typedefs = []):
+		name = xml.find("compoundname").text
+		section = xml.find("sectiondef")
+		d = "struct %s {\n" % name;
+		for p in section.findall("memberdef"):
+			# workaround for struct members. g-ir-scanner can't properly map struct members
+			# (beginning with struct GeanyFoo) to the typedef and assigns a generic type for them
+			# thus we fix that up here and enforce usage of the typedef. These are written
+			# out first, before any struct definition, for this reason
+			# Exception: there are no typedefs for GeanyFooPrivate so skip those. Their exact
+			# type isn't needed anyway
+			s = fix_definition(p.find("definition").text).lstrip()
+			words = s.split()
+			if (words[0] == "struct"):
+				if not (words[1].endswith("Private") or words[1].endswith("Private*")):
+					s = " ".join(words[1:])
+			d += "\t%s;\n"  % s
+		d += "};\n"
+		e = DoxyStruct(name, d)
+		e.add_brief(xml.find("briefdescription"))
+		for p in section.findall("memberdef"):
+			e.add_member(p)
+		return e
+class DoxyFunction(DoxyElement):
+	@staticmethod
+	def from_memberdef(xml):
+		name = xml.find("name").text
+		d = normalize_text(xml.find("definition").text.replace("G_BEGIN_DECLS", ""))
+		d += " " + xml.find("argsstring").text + ";"
+		d = normalize_text(d.replace("GEANY_API_SYMBOL", ""))
+		e = DoxyFunction(name, d)
+		e.add_brief(xml.find("briefdescription"))
+		e.add_detail(xml.find("detaileddescription"))
+		for p in xml.xpath(".//detaileddescription/*/parameterlist[@kind='param']/parameteritem"):
+			e.add_param(p)
+		x = xml.xpath(".//detaileddescription/*/simplesect[@kind='return']")
+		if (len(x) > 0):
+			e.add_return(x[0])
+		return e
+other = []
+typedefs = []
+c_files = root.xpath(".//compounddef[@kind='file']/compoundname[substring(.,string-length(.)-1)='.c']/..")
+h_files = root.xpath(".//compounddef[@kind='file']/compoundname[substring(.,string-length(.)-1)='.h']/..")
+for f in h_files:
+	if not (f.find("compoundname").text.endswith("private.h")):
+		for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='typedef' and @prot='public']"):
+			if not (n0.find("type").text.replace("G_BEGIN_DECLS", "").lstrip().startswith("enum")):
+				e = DoxyTypedef.from_memberdef(n0)
+				typedefs.append(e)
+	for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='enum' and @prot='public']"):
+		e = DoxyEnum.from_memberdef(n0)
+		other.append(e)
+for n0 in root.xpath(".//compounddef[@kind='struct' and @prot='public']"):
+	e = DoxyStruct.from_compounddef(n0)
+	other.append(e)
+for f in c_files:
+	for n0 in f.xpath(".//*/memberdef[@kind='function' and @prot='public']"):
+		e = DoxyFunction.from_memberdef(n0)
+		other.append(e)
+outfile.write("#include <glib.h>\n")
+outfile.write("#include <gtk/gtk.h>\n")
+outfile.write("typedef struct _ScintillaObject ScintillaObject;\n")
+outfile.write("typedef struct TMSourceFile TMSourceFile;\n")
+outfile.write("typedef struct TMWorkspace TMWorkspace;\n")
+# write typedefs first, they are possibly undocumented but still required (even
+# if they are documented, they must be written out without gtkdoc)
+for e in typedefs:
+	outfile.write(e.definition)
+	outfile.write("\n\n")
+for e in filter(lambda x: x.is_documented(), other):
+	outfile.write("\n\n")
+	outfile.write(e.to_gtkdoc())
+	outfile.write(e.definition)
+	outfile.write("\n\n")
+	if (e.name.startswith("sci_")):
+		scioutfile.write(e.to_gtkdoc().replace("sci_", "scintilla_object_"))
+		scioutfile.write(e.definition.replace("sci_", "scintilla_object_"))
+		scioutfile.write("\n\n")

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