[geany/geany] 4c0c76: If more tags are found during tag definition/declaration goto, let user select which one to use
Jiří Techet
git-noreply at xxxxx
Thu Feb 25 23:03:45 UTC 2016
Branch: refs/heads/master
Author: Jiří Techet <techet at gmail.com>
Committer: Jiří Techet <techet at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 23:03:45 UTC
Commit: 4c0c76e6f40e0ad12fa1aac676872200b948a45b
Log Message:
If more tags are found during tag definition/declaration goto, let user select which one to use
If only a single tag is found, just perform the goto. If more tags are found,
show them in a popup. Try to help the user find the right file by
putting the "best" tag at the first position and emphasizing it.
Thanks to Colomban Wendling for various improvements of this patch.
Modified Paths:
Modified: src/symbols.c
365 lines changed, 292 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
#include "tm_tag.h"
#include "ui_utils.h"
#include "utils.h"
+#include "keybindings.h"
#include "SciLexer.h"
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
static gchar **html_entities = NULL;
@@ -84,6 +86,13 @@ enum /* Geany tag files */
+enum {
static TagFileInfo tag_file_info[GTF_MAX] =
{FALSE, "c99.tags"},
@@ -138,6 +147,9 @@ static struct
+static GtkWidget *tag_goto_popup = NULL;
+static GtkWidget *tag_goto_tree_view = NULL;
static void html_tags_loaded(void);
static void load_user_tags(filetype_id ft_id);
@@ -326,66 +338,6 @@ const gchar *symbols_get_context_separator(gint ft_id)
-/* Note: if tags is sorted, we can use bsearch or tm_tags_find() to speed this up. */
-static TMTag *
-symbols_find_tm_tag(const GPtrArray *tags, const gchar *tag_name)
- guint i;
- g_return_val_if_fail(tags != NULL, NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < tags->len; ++i)
- {
- if (utils_str_equal(TM_TAG(tags->pdata[i])->name, tag_name))
- return TM_TAG(tags->pdata[i]);
- }
- return NULL;
-static TMTag *find_source_file_tag(GPtrArray *tags_array,
- const gchar *tag_name, guint type)
- GPtrArray *tags;
- TMTag *tmtag;
- tags = tm_tags_extract(tags_array, type);
- if (tags != NULL)
- {
- tmtag = symbols_find_tm_tag(tags, tag_name);
- g_ptr_array_free(tags, TRUE);
- if (tmtag != NULL)
- return tmtag;
- }
- return NULL; /* not found */
-static TMTag *find_workspace_tag(const gchar *tag_name, guint type)
- guint j;
- const GPtrArray *source_files = NULL;
- if (app->tm_workspace != NULL)
- source_files = app->tm_workspace->source_files;
- if (source_files != NULL)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < source_files->len; j++)
- {
- TMSourceFile *srcfile = source_files->pdata[j];
- TMTag *tmtag;
- tmtag = find_source_file_tag(srcfile->tags_array, tag_name, type);
- if (tmtag != NULL)
- return tmtag;
- }
- }
- return NULL; /* not found */
const gchar **symbols_get_html_entities(void)
if (html_entities == NULL)
@@ -1888,27 +1840,270 @@ static void load_user_tags(filetype_id ft_id)
+static void on_focus_out(GtkWidget *list, GdkEventFocus *unused, gpointer *user_data)
+ gtk_widget_hide(tag_goto_popup);
+static void on_row_activated(GtkTreeView *tree_view, GtkTreePath *path,
+ GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer user_data)
+ GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(tree_view);
+ GeanyDocument *new_doc, *old_doc;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ TMTag *tag;
+ gtk_tree_model_get_iter(model, &iter, path);
+ gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, TAG_COLUMN, &tag, -1);
+ g_return_if_fail(tag);
+ old_doc = document_get_current();
+ new_doc = document_open_file(tag->file->file_name, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
+ if (new_doc)
+ navqueue_goto_line(old_doc, new_doc, tag->line);
+ gtk_widget_hide(tag_goto_popup);
+ tm_tag_unref(tag);
+static gboolean on_key_pressed(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, gpointer user_data)
+ guint state = event->state & gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask();
+ if (event->keyval == GDK_Escape && state == 0)
+ {
+ gtk_widget_hide(tag_goto_popup);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/* FIXME: use the same icons as in the symbols tree defined in add_top_level_items() */
+static guint get_tag_class(const TMTag *tag)
+ switch (tag->type)
+ {
+ case tm_tag_prototype_t:
+ case tm_tag_method_t:
+ case tm_tag_function_t:
+ return ICON_METHOD;
+ case tm_tag_variable_t:
+ case tm_tag_externvar_t:
+ return ICON_VAR;
+ case tm_tag_macro_t:
+ case tm_tag_macro_with_arg_t:
+ return ICON_MACRO;
+ case tm_tag_class_t:
+ return ICON_CLASS;
+ case tm_tag_member_t:
+ case tm_tag_field_t:
+ return ICON_MEMBER;
+ case tm_tag_typedef_t:
+ case tm_tag_enum_t:
+ case tm_tag_union_t:
+ case tm_tag_struct_t:
+ return ICON_STRUCT;
+ case tm_tag_namespace_t:
+ case tm_tag_package_t:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ICON_STRUCT;
+static void create_goto_popup(void)
+ GtkWidget *frame, *scroller;
+ GtkListStore *store;
+ GtkTreeSelection *selection;
+ GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
+ GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
+ tag_goto_popup = g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_WINDOW, "type", GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL, NULL);
+ gtk_widget_set_can_focus(tag_goto_popup, TRUE);
+ gtk_window_set_type_hint(GTK_WINDOW(tag_goto_popup), GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_DIALOG);
+ gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(tag_goto_popup), FALSE);
+ gtk_window_set_transient_for(GTK_WINDOW(tag_goto_popup), GTK_WINDOW(main_widgets.window));
+ gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent(GTK_WINDOW(tag_goto_popup), TRUE);
+ gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(tag_goto_popup), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT);
+ gtk_widget_set_size_request(tag_goto_popup, 250, 150);
+ frame = gtk_frame_new(NULL);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(tag_goto_popup), frame);
+ gtk_frame_set_shadow_type(GTK_FRAME(frame), GTK_SHADOW_OUT);
+ gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), 0);
+ scroller = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
+ gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(scroller), 0);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scroller),
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(frame), scroller);
+ /* TreeView and its model */
+ store = gtk_list_store_new(N_COLUMNS, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_TYPE_STRING, TM_TYPE_TAG);
+ tag_goto_tree_view = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store));
+ gtk_widget_set_can_focus(tag_goto_tree_view, TRUE);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scroller), tag_goto_tree_view);
+ g_signal_connect(tag_goto_tree_view, "focus-out-event", G_CALLBACK(on_focus_out), tag_goto_popup);
+ g_signal_connect(tag_goto_tree_view, "row-activated", G_CALLBACK(on_row_activated), NULL);
+ g_signal_connect(tag_goto_tree_view, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(on_key_pressed), NULL);
+ selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tag_goto_tree_view));
+ gtk_tree_selection_set_mode(selection, GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE);
+ gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tag_goto_tree_view), FALSE);
+ gtk_tree_view_set_reorderable(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tag_goto_tree_view), FALSE);
+ /* Columns */
+ column = gtk_tree_view_column_new();
+ gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing(column, GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED);
+ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new();
+ gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(column, renderer, FALSE);
+ gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(column, renderer, "pixbuf", PIXBUF_COLUMN);
+ renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
+ gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(column, renderer, TRUE);
+ gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute(column, renderer, "markup", TEXT_COLUMN);
+ gtk_tree_view_append_column(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tag_goto_tree_view), column);
+ gtk_widget_show_all(frame);
+static void show_goto_popup(GPtrArray *tags, gboolean have_best)
+ gboolean first = TRUE;
+ GtkTreePath *path;
+ GtkTreeModel *model;
+ GtkTreeIter iter;
+ TMTag *tmtag;
+ guint i;
+ if (!tag_goto_popup)
+ create_goto_popup();
+ model = gtk_tree_view_get_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tag_goto_tree_view));
+ gtk_list_store_clear(GTK_LIST_STORE(model));
+ foreach_ptr_array(tmtag, i, tags)
+ {
+ gchar *fname = g_path_get_basename(tmtag->file->file_name);
+ gchar *text;
+ if (first && have_best)
+ text = g_markup_printf_escaped("<b>%s: %lu</b>", fname, tmtag->line);
+ else
+ text = g_markup_printf_escaped("%s: %lu", fname, tmtag->line);
+ gtk_list_store_insert_with_values(GTK_LIST_STORE(model), &iter, -1,
+ PIXBUF_COLUMN, symbols_icons[get_tag_class(tmtag)].pixbuf,
+ TEXT_COLUMN, text,
+ TAG_COLUMN, tmtag, -1);
+ g_free(text);
+ g_free(fname);
+ first = FALSE;
+ }
+ path = gtk_tree_path_new_first();
+ gtk_tree_view_set_cursor (GTK_TREE_VIEW(tag_goto_tree_view), path, NULL, FALSE);
+ gtk_tree_path_free(path);
+ gtk_window_present(GTK_WINDOW(tag_goto_popup));
+static gint compare_tags_by_name_line(gconstpointer ptr1, gconstpointer ptr2)
+ gint res;
+ TMTag *t1 = *((TMTag **) ptr1);
+ TMTag *t2 = *((TMTag **) ptr2);
+ res = g_strcmp0(t1->file->short_name, t2->file->short_name);
+ if (res != 0)
+ return res;
+ return t1->line - t2->line;
+static TMTag *find_best_goto_tag(GeanyDocument *doc, GPtrArray *tags)
+ TMTag *tag;
+ guint i;
+ /* first check if we have a tag in the current file */
+ foreach_ptr_array(tag, i, tags)
+ {
+ if (g_strcmp0(doc->real_path, tag->file->file_name) == 0)
+ return tag;
+ }
+ /* next check if we have a tag for some of the open documents */
+ foreach_ptr_array(tag, i, tags)
+ {
+ guint j;
+ foreach_document(j)
+ {
+ if (g_strcmp0(documents[j]->real_path, tag->file->file_name) == 0)
+ return tag;
+ }
+ }
+ /* next check if we have a tag for a file inside the current document's directory */
+ foreach_ptr_array(tag, i, tags)
+ {
+ gchar *dir = g_path_get_dirname(doc->real_path);
+ if (g_str_has_prefix(tag->file->file_name, dir))
+ {
+ g_free(dir);
+ return tag;
+ }
+ g_free(dir);
+ }
+ return NULL;
static gboolean goto_tag(const gchar *name, gboolean definition)
const TMTagType forward_types = tm_tag_prototype_t | tm_tag_externvar_t;
TMTagType type;
TMTag *tmtag = NULL;
GeanyDocument *old_doc = document_get_current();
+ gboolean found = FALSE;
+ const GPtrArray *all_tags;
+ GPtrArray *workspace_tags;
+ guint i;
/* goto tag definition: all except prototypes / forward declarations / externs */
type = (definition) ? tm_tag_max_t - forward_types : forward_types;
+ all_tags = tm_workspace_find(name, NULL, type, NULL, old_doc->file_type->lang);
- /* first look in the current document */
- if (old_doc != NULL && old_doc->tm_file)
- tmtag = find_source_file_tag(old_doc->tm_file->tags_array, name, type);
- /* if not found, look in the workspace */
- if (tmtag == NULL)
- tmtag = find_workspace_tag(name, type);
+ /* get rid of global tags */
+ workspace_tags = g_ptr_array_new();
+ foreach_ptr_array(tmtag, i, all_tags)
+ {
+ if (tmtag->file)
+ g_ptr_array_add(workspace_tags, tmtag);
+ }
- if (tmtag != NULL)
+ if (workspace_tags->len == 1)
- GeanyDocument *new_doc = document_find_by_real_path(
+ GeanyDocument *new_doc;
+ tmtag = workspace_tags->pdata[0];
+ new_doc = document_find_by_real_path(
if (new_doc)
@@ -1918,7 +2113,7 @@ static gboolean goto_tag(const gchar *name, gboolean definition)
tmtag->line == (guint)sci_get_current_line(old_doc->editor->sci) + 1)
if (goto_tag(name, !definition))
- return TRUE;
+ found = TRUE;
@@ -1927,10 +2122,34 @@ static gboolean goto_tag(const gchar *name, gboolean definition)
new_doc = document_open_file(tmtag->file->file_name, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
- if (navqueue_goto_line(old_doc, new_doc, tmtag->line))
- return TRUE;
+ if (!found && navqueue_goto_line(old_doc, new_doc, tmtag->line))
+ found = TRUE;
- return FALSE;
+ else if (workspace_tags->len > 1)
+ {
+ GPtrArray *tags;
+ TMTag *tag, *best_tag;
+ g_ptr_array_sort(workspace_tags, compare_tags_by_name_line);
+ best_tag = find_best_goto_tag(old_doc, workspace_tags);
+ tags = g_ptr_array_new();
+ if (best_tag)
+ g_ptr_array_add(tags, best_tag);
+ foreach_ptr_array(tag, i, workspace_tags)
+ {
+ if (tag != best_tag)
+ g_ptr_array_add(tags, tag);
+ }
+ show_goto_popup(tags, best_tag != NULL);
+ g_ptr_array_free(tags, TRUE);
+ found = TRUE;
+ }
+ g_ptr_array_free(workspace_tags, TRUE);
+ return found;
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