[geany/talks] fe4ea2: En: Addinga first draft of some English slides about Geany

Frank Lanitz git-noreply at xxxxx
Tue Oct 1 18:21:29 UTC 2013

Branch:      refs/heads/master
Author:      Frank Lanitz <frank at frank.uvena.de>
Committer:   Frank Lanitz <frank at frank.uvena.de>
Date:        Tue, 01 Oct 2013 18:21:29 UTC
Commit:      fe4ea2b670ee2b92f86c3427a9cf9bbfeceae617

Log Message:
En: Addinga first draft of some English slides about Geany

Modified Paths:

Modified: en/tex/geany.tex
255 files changed, 255 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+in head/foot}%
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+in head/foot}%
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+\title{Geany -- Just Not Another Editor}
+\author{Frank Lanitz \\ frank at frank.uvena.de}
+	\maketitle{}
+	\begin{frame}
+		\frametitle{Main facts}
+		\begin{itemize}
+			\item Editor with features of an IDE
+			\item Under development since 2005
+			\item Current version 1.23 released spring 2013
+			\item Main goals: 
+				\begin{itemize}
+					\item Low system requirements (running on Raspberry $\pi$){}
+					\item Low further dependencies
+				\end{itemize}
+			\item Written in C and C++
+			\item Based upon Scintilla and GTK2 ($>=$ 2.16)
+			\item License: GPLv2+
+		\end{itemize}
+	\end{frame}
+	\begin{frame}
+		\frametitle{Geany compared to others}
+		% Graphic for TeX using PGF
+		% Title: /home/frank/Diagramm1.dia
+		% Creator: Dia v0.96.1
+		% CreationDate: Mon Mar  9 21:37:47 2009
+		% For: frank
+		% \usepackage{tikz}
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+		% We define them conditionally, so when they are implemented,
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+		\node[anchor=west] at (8.979390\du,19.256916\du){Geany};
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+		\pgfsetstrokecolor{dialinecolor}
+		\node[anchor=west] at (4.973862\du,22.275614\du){nano};
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+		\node[anchor=west] at (14.434558\du,21.649068\du){vim, emacs};
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+		\pgfsetstrokecolor{dialinecolor}
+		\node[anchor=west] at (12.912101\du,15.753526\du){Eclipse };
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+		\pgfsetstrokecolor{dialinecolor}
+		\node[anchor=west] at (12.912101\du,16.553526\du){Visual Studio };
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+		\definecolor{dialinecolor}{rgb}{0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}
+		\pgfsetstrokecolor{dialinecolor}
+		\node[anchor=west] at (8.787175\du,24.850099\du){Features \& Skills};
+		% setfont left to latex
+		\definecolor{dialinecolor}{rgb}{0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}
+		\pgfsetstrokecolor{dialinecolor}
+		\node[anchor=west] at (4.651006\du,13.055694\du){};
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+		\pgfsetstrokecolor{dialinecolor}
+		\node[anchor=west] at (3.169932\du,14.428397\du){System };
+		% setfont left to latex
+		\definecolor{dialinecolor}{rgb}{0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000}
+		\pgfsetstrokecolor{dialinecolor}
+		\node[anchor=west] at (3.169932\du,15.228397\du){requirements};
+		\end{tikzpicture}
+	\end{frame}
+	\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks]
+		\frametitle{Features von Geany}
+		\begin{block}{Visualization}
+			\begin{itemize}
+				\item Syntax highlighting of $>$50 file types
+				\item Marking of compiling errors
+			\end{itemize}
+		\end{block}
+		\begin{block}{Development}
+			\begin{itemize}
+				\item Configurable build menu
+				\item Plugins for debugging, version control, 
+					better filebrowsing, preview of webpages
+			\end{itemize}
+		\end{block}
+		\begin{block}{Support}
+			\begin{itemize}
+				\item Autocompletion of known symbols, variables, makros etc.
+				\item Templates
+				\item Usage of code snippets
+			\end{itemize}
+		\end{block}
+		\begin{block}{Navigation}
+			\begin{itemize}
+				\item Symbol browser to navigation inisde a document/sourcecode file
+				\item Shortcut to jump between declaration and definition of a function
+				\item Opening of referred file via context menu
+			\end{itemize}
+		\end{block}
+		\begin{block}{Misc}
+			\begin{itemize}
+				\item Multi plattform support (Linux, Windows, Apple, *BSD)
+				\item Plugin interface with bindings to Lua and Python *new*
+				\item and some more \dots
+			\end{itemize}
+		\end{block}
+	\end{frame}
+	\section{Meta}
+	\begin{frame}
+		\frametitle{Download \& Contact}
+		\begin{block}{Download}
+			\begin{itemize}
+				\item Web: \url{www.geany.org}
+				\item From github: \url{https://github.com/geany}
+				\item Of course via your (Linux-)distribution
+			\end{itemize}
+		\end{block}
+		\begin{block}{Contact}
+			\begin{itemize}
+				\item \textbf{WWW:} http://www.geany.org
+				\item \textbf{IRC:} \#geany bzw. \#geany-de auf freenode
+				\item \textbf{Mailinglist:} several ones via webpage
+			\end{itemize}
+		\end{block}
+	\end{frame}

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