Sorry for not mentioning, but I actually already tried the versions with the .exe included, and there was no difference.
Also I set new environment variable $path%, and I gave it the path to the g++.exe, but again no help.
In my case, I also use linux for al the development, but I would like to be able to write code on Windows, and at least check if it would compile. I know that microsoft has a free version, something like "Visual Studia 2005 Express edition" which i have use in the past, but it's too big for what I need.
As far as executing Geany in the cygwin environment.. I suppose I have to compile the file using the command line, separately from Geany. And even the cygwin minght not be "complete" in the sense that it may require another piece of software, and so on. I don't really like fiddling with such software. When I was working in java, I used Eclipse, and i just had to install some java stuff, but I knew exactly what to install. Now i don't know what compiler works "out of the box" with Geany on Windows.
Probably it's not a good idea to use Geany on Windows after all.
Has anyone actually been able to compile with Geany under Windows, and if so, what are the steps?

On 3/13/08, Enrico Tröger <> wrote:
On Thu, 13 Mar 2008 08:01:22 -0600, "Alexandru Guzu"
<> wrote:


>  I installed Geany on Windows but I cannot compile anything. I get the
> following error:
> "06:48:32: Process failed (Failed to execute helper program (No such file or
> directory))"
> I ran Geany -d from the command line, but there isn't any difference, and
> the error message is almost the same:"
> "g_spawn_async_with_pipes() failed: Failed to execute helper program (No
> such file or directory)"
> Then I found out that Geany also needs a compiler (well, how was I supposed
> to know that? When using Visual Studio I don't need to install any
> compilers).
But when using VS you need to pay lots of money to a company in
Redmond. When using Geany you don't have to pay anyone.

> In any case I installed MinGW, and i set the path to the g++.exe in Geany,
> and still the same error.
> This was the path to the compiler: C:\MinGW\bin\g++ -Wall -c "%f"
Assuming C:\MinGW\bin is the correct path, the g++ binary is probably
called "g++.exe", so use this one:
C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe -Wall -c "%f"

> I also installed cygwin32, and set the path to its g++:
> C:\cygnus\cygwin-b20\H-i586-cygwin32\bin\g++ -Wall -c "%f"
> but again the exact same error.
Same as above, you should add the ".exe" extension.
Furthermore, I'm not sure whether you can use the cygwin compiler
outside of cygwin. As far as I know, cygwin is an environment not just
a program. The included tools are designed to work inside this
environment. It might work calling it from Geany but I wouldn't be
surprised if it doesn't.

If all other things fail, you could compile and run Geany inside
cygwin, then compiling from inside Geany should work out-of-the-box
because when Geany is run inside cygwin it is almost as it would run
natively on Linux.

> I don't understand why is it so complicated to get to compile a simple
> "hello world" program.
Once you got the correct paths, it works mostly. But please notice,
main development of Geany happens on Linux, Windows isn't our favourite
operating system and so its support could be better. Anyway, you could
add the path "C:\MinGW\bin" to $path% environment variable(can be set
in the control panel, don't ask me where exactly), then you can use
g++.exe -Wall -c "%f"
and it will work.

Late note: the whole build support(compile, link, run) on Windows is
not yet very stable and not well tested. So expect problems, but if you
report those, we can work on this.


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