On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 1:35 PM, Lex Trotman
<elextr@gmail.com> wrote:
Your suggestion only addresses one use-case when the project file *is*
in the tree, it doesn't address the other one when the programmer
doesn't control the project and can't put the project file in the
You haven't yet shown us a use case which actually does that. There is almost never, with the rare exception of read-only source trees, a case where the project file _cannot_ be put in the root of the source tree. If the source tree is read-only then you can't edit the sources and geany does the user absolutely no good whatsoever (except as a glorified text browser).
It would be interesting to know if the major IDEs support absolute paths. (i have no idea, as xemacs doesn't use project files.)
PS My first programming was 1973 with punched cards, still 10 years
more :-D (oooh I feel old...)
LOL! i'm not envious - i'm glad i didn't have to "write the tools with which to write the tools."