On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 11:44 PM, Frank Lanitz <frank@frank.uvena.de> wrote:
A very start could be http://www.geany.org/manual/reference/howto.html
Also you could browse through Geany's common plugin project repository.

Great, thanks :).
Hard to really give you a plugin you should take as an example, as I'm
not 100% knowing your plans how plugin shall be look like ;)

Me, neither ;).
(OK, there
is the demoplugin inside Geany's sources inside plugins-folder you
could use as some kind of a dummy)

Thanks again :).

i can't promise i'll do this, but i've been looking for an excuse to write a GTK-based GUI app, but didn't really have an app in mind. This would give me a good starting point.

----- stephan beal