I've just started using Geany again lately, with 0.17, after a long spell using just Gedit. Gedit doesn't really do completion and I didn't really miss it much, but coming back to Geany, this completiontiontion stuff is really quite annoying - it makes the completion feature annoying about 50% of the time I use it and I've increasingly found my self pressing escape when it pops up, especially when editing existing code.

So, in essence, this new vesrion sounds much better and I think it should probably be the default.


2009/5/19 Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger@uvena.de>
On Tue, 19 May 2009 22:20:54 +0200, Enrico wrote:

>On Tue, 19 May 2009 12:24:40 +0100, Nick wrote:
>>On Mon, 18 May 2009 19:13:44 +0200
>>Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger@uvena.de> wrote:
>>> >Furthermore, there is one more thing, that I once noted on this
>>> >list, but wasn't addressed. Let's take following examples: there is
>>> >symbol SomeClassWithLongName and I have already typed WithLongName.
>>> >If I start typing Some right before WithLongName and I get the
>>> >following:
>>> >
>>> >SomeWithLongName
>>> >
>>> >I'll get a completion suggestion, which I will choose. But then it
>>> >will turn into SomeClassWithLongNameWithLongName. Is it possible
>>> >for geany to be smarter and simple add Class and nothing else?
>>> Sure, but as usual it needs someone to write the code.
>>Now done in SVN. Actually it removes any existing word part to the
>Cool. I didn't expect Scintilla provide this feature already. I
>would have ended up in writing this on my own and then realising
>Scintilla can do it as well and then getting frustrated :).

Ah, forgot again to finish my message before sending it:

I'm not sure whether we need a pref for it. I'd say let's use it for
some time and then decide. So far after about an hour of using this
change, I got three times into a replacement where more were deleted
than I wanted. But I think this is just a matter of time to get used to
the changed behaviour. Let's see.


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