On 12 September 2013 17:18, Sean Noble <sean.noble.72@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Geany Users,

I am looking for a way to share the same snippets in two file types A
and B. Ideally allowing each file type to have shared and unique
snippets, but just sharing the same ones would be OK too.

There is no way of sharing snippets without some repetition.


In snippets.conf I have a list of [HTML] file snippets. I would like
to use those snippets in [PHP] files as well.

Makes sense.
I could just copy the snippets from [HTML] to [PHP] but that seems
redundant, and means having to add new snippets in two places. I could
also put all the snippets under [Default], and that would work pretty
well, but then all the snippets would be available in all file types.

What you can do is define the common snippets under the [special] group and then the language sections where you want them to be available can refer to the special snippet.  Look at how say brace_open is used in the standard snippets.conf file.


I was wondering if there is a trick like [HTML, PHP] as a shared
header (that appears not to work). Maybe something I can set in
filtypes.html or filetypes.php to treat them as the same file type?



Thanks for any help!

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