I think it won't be hard to make the fifo stuff we use in *nix work in the win32 build also, although this is not the "Right Way" of doing this in windows (DDE is too windows-complicated for my unix head).

For that, I must know what the GEANY_FIFO_NAME constant resolves to in Windows building (trying to hack something with no good development toolchain at hand is quite hard, you know ? lol)

I'll try to install windows + mingw and everything needed to work this out in windows (by the way, you could help me figuring out what system to use to build it in windows) at home when I have the time (I'm moving from my old home so, that will take some time), but I'd like to check the ideas before moving to the real code, and as I'm having a bit of spare time here at work, I may do some geany research :)

Alexandre Moreira.

2006/7/20, Alexandre Moreira <alexandream@gmail.com>:
A question for you guys, at win32 development of Geany. Can one use the basic capabilities of a windows environment within the gcc (or whatever compiler you use to do windows stuff there at geany development?) I mean, more specifically, named pipes. I am thinking in writing this feature in named pipes if I cannot work out the DDE stuff.

2006/7/20, Alexandre Moreira <alexandream@gmail.com>:

2006/7/19, Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger@uvena.de>:
On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 12:56:53 -0300, "Alexandre Moreira"
<alexandream@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have been checking Geany Win32 build (0.8svn) and found out that it
> doesn't quite support opening many files in same running instance
> using the cmd line.
> Is that supposed to be this away (i.e. not implemented) or is this a
> bug in some code ?
Not yet implemented.

> if it is not implemented, I think I could take a look (although with
> not too much hope, since I never done any real windows programming)
Hehe, I also don't have any idea about Windows programming.

> at the DDE system and try to use it instead of the pipe we use in
> *nix. Or try to find out if I can use something like a pipe in
> windows.
> What you guys say?
If you find a way, we would be happy to integrate it.
Have a look into src/win32.c, there is mostly all Windows related code.

I have been trying to find out information about C programming and the DDE system on windows. But so far, no luck. If anyone has documentation on that (I've been reading msdn but couldn't find  useful information, windows programming is just so weird), or at least can tell me if it is even possible to mix a Windows DDE Server System in a software running gtk_main I would really appreciate.

I'll keep trying to find anything, but this seems to be the right way to implement it, windows is supposed to have some hooks in the shell (explorer.exe) to use DDE to open a document in a running instance of some registered program.


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Alexandre Moreira.