2006/7/24, Enrico Tröger <enrico.troeger@uvena.de>:
On Mon, 24 Jul 2006 19:44:48 +0200, Nexu <nexu.jin@gmail.com> wrote:


Wow, so much thoughts, thank you guys for thinking about improving

> Now consider the main user target group (at-least that is what i
> assume, correct me if i am wrong on this) are mostly programmers or
> at least more experienced computer users. I think the cons of the
> dialog is not necessary 'confusing' and better than a delay where
I agree, that the target group are more experienced users(but not all)
and so the dialog is not that bad. I don't like the idea of the ping
very much, then we get mailings like "Geany hangs on startup".
By the way, the fact that an IDE is mostly used by programmers is so
nice for us, I noticed it from the beginning, nearly every bug report
was more detailed and descriptive than I ever expected it.
This is so cool ;-).

> As a suggestion, perhaps you could merge these 2 ideas. Instead of a
> dialog which needs input. Change it into a dialog with a message Geany
> is trying to connect to the existing FIFO with a "cancel" button which
> deletes the current FIFO and starts up, or wait where after X seconds
> (display count down perhaps to inform the user how long left) of time
This idea i like very much and I think this is the way it will be.

Again by the way: Alexandre, can you tell us something about your
mentioned game server project? I'm curious about it.

Oh, Sorry about that, I answered the Nexu message privately to him for I didn't want to flood it here (thinking that wouldn't be of much interest of the Geany developpers)

But there it goes. Its not much, I tell you.

I have been thinking a lot about creating a MMORPG server for the past months, and then started designing an outline for it. So far it is in early stages, for I basically have no code, only a lot of design alternatives, brainstorms and notes on my note book (You know, that thing with lots of pages made of dead trees ? I still use them).

Basically today it is in a shape that I can start coding. Unfortunately I believe it is only me who can start working on it right now because the biggest part of the project is in my maniac head (I spend too much time in commute everyday, so I tend to think a lot about the project). And then, I have not much time to program at home with college and work and everything, so it is developping veeeeery slowly.

So there is no "real" project yet, and the project isn't going to become anything useful anytime soon (since after having the server I would still need to gather a group to help developping a client out of it). But my plan is to develop a server of a small community (much like the guys at Eternal-lands have right now) and evolve it with the time.

If anyone is interested in the project I can give more details about ideas and architecture of the system and we can discuss them. I would love to have someone at least to listen to some of my ideas and tell me whenever I am just being too mad ;)

Alexandre Moreira.

PS: While I have a sourceforge account for the project (namely, Nutshell.sf.net) I don't have anything there yet.

PPS: The project is being developped in C++, and it took me quite some time in modelling since I am using it for learning OO.


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