I'm new a the list, so just a few word to introduce myself : I am
mostly a PHP developer and I often write for the french magazine
"GNU/Linux Magazine France". I'm using Geany on a daily basis for a
long time, and enjoy it more than any other IDE.
As a PHP developper, I recently discover a new programming language,
dedicated to native PHP extensions. Its name is Zephir, you could
learn more here : http://zephir-lang.com.
Its philosophy is to associate the PHP syntax style with the
efficiency of C to enable long-time PHP developer to run easily
their own extensions as fast as C ones and to code them as quickly
as PHP scripts.
So I adopted Zephir, and will certainly use it on a daily basis, as
Geany. So I naturally tried to code Zephir sources with Geany and to
make my own filestype.Zephir.conf. You can see the current
state of this work here : https://github.com/taophp/zephir-geany-fileconf
The fact is that if I set the Zephir file as a PHP file using the
menu Document->Set filetype (I suppose, my geany front
end is in French), the symbols tabs detects all my classes,
functions, properties, and all perfectly, but in the editing area,
there is no syntax highlighting until I add the opening PHP tag
"<?php" - but the Zephir compiler will not accept it. My first
attempt to solve this issue was to copy the filetypes.php in a
filetypes.Zephir.conf, and then tried to modify it to avoid the need
of the opening PHP tag. My second attempt was to find another
filetypes.* that fit more my needs. My choice was filetypes.cs, and
this was the base of my project on Gitbub. Now syntax highlighting
is correct, but the symbols tab does not work...
Could anyone could tell me how to deal with this issue ?