> This said, why did you want to edit filetypes.html/python?   If you want
> to change the colors, with 1.22 you can now easily write a colorsheme
> file, look e.g. at the alt.conf scheme distributed with Geany (most
> probably /usr/share/geany/colorschemes/alt.conf on Linux).   This way you
> won't have to bother what's in filetypes.* for the colors, and they will
> apply to all filtypes.

I am afraid I have to bother with all this filetypes.* files because if I define background color for string in colorscheme file, then all the white space in config files will be filled with that color. See my previous post. The only way - do not touch filetypes.common (only basic changes) and setup highlighting in numerous filetypes.* files.


And the question I would like to ask.

What file is responsible for highlighting of bash scripts? I do not see filetypes.bash. I have filetypes.sh, but changes there do not reflect on bash scripts.