This has gotten a bit more complex than I had originally intended.  I just meant to have the ctrl-tab as an alternative to the code navigation, not necessarily used with it.  I personally haven't used the code navigation, and for all I know, it could work for what I'd like.  The only thing I'd want ctrl-tab to do is keep track of the order I've been accessing various documents and allow me to switch between them in an MRU order, similar to how you switch between applications with alt-tab in the OS.


On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 8:18 AM, Nick Treleaven <> wrote:
On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 19:50:54 +0200
Enrico Tröger <> wrote:

> I'm still not really convinced, maybe I don't imagine it well enough.
> When using MRU documents switching, I still need to use both features:
> Ctrl-Tab to switch between documents and code navigation back/forward
> to navigate inside _one_ document and I need to remember where which
> code was.

Yes, it would be a bit more complicated, but probably OK when the user
got used to it. But that's what makes it more powerful.

Ctrl-Tab would only go one way in the MRU documents queue (back?), so
there would be another command to go forward, maybe Ctrl-Shift-Tab.
Alternatively just drop Ctrl-Tab and use a different pair of

> Hmm, maybe I'm missing something or imagine it too complicated. And
> I'm also not that against it as it might sound, just worried.

I just wanted to raise the issue. After the MRU documents
switching is implemented and people are used to it, maybe then someone
will agree with me ;-)

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