On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 8:55 PM, Colomban Wendling <lists.ban@herbesfolles.org> wrote:
Le 19/07/2016 à 20:49, Justin Rittenhouse a écrit :
> Maybe I'm imagining it, or maybe I never tested this since moving to a
> Mac from a Gentoo machine (not by choice), but I could've sworn there
> used to be an option to keep Geany open after closing the last open
> document.  I've enabled the "new_document_after_close" preference, but
> it's not exactly the same.  Did this option disappear at some point
> fairly recently?

No, the "feature" (actually, we just don't do anything special here) is
still here, you can close all documents yet Geany will stay open.

> Is this a feature missing from the Mac version?  Am I just crazy?

I don't think it's something voluntarily changed for Mac, but I couldn't
really tell.

However, it might be a bug in some plugin for example that doesn't
handle no document being open and crashes the application… not sure.

Jiří, do you have an idea?

No idea really - it seems to work fine here, closing the last tab keeps Geany open for me. I would also suspect some plugin or settings but it probably wouldn't be because of a crash; if it crashed, Mac OS would pop up a window with a stacktrace.
