>> I just don't want to clutter the prefs dialog with such an option
>> which is maybe unimportant for most users.
>> What about changing the default behaviour to what you want and add a
>> hidden pref for people like me? Though I personally would still feel
>> this as a regression (i.e. removing existing features) but I also
>> realise that people think different than me :).
>My two cents, I agree with Enrico, I like to be able to look up at the
>toolbar and see that everything is saved before I leave my desk or
>attend to other interruptions so I'd prefer the current behavior to be
>the default.
>Whilst I understand the use of saving to update timestamps etc I think
>that indicating saved data is a more common and important function
>that I wouldn't want taken away,
>There does not seem to be a consistent GUI solution as an alternative
>to making the save inactive.
>But some indication on the file tab seems to be used by several
>applications and is reasonably useful if the indication is visible
>enough. Applications don't agree on how to indicate saving is needed
>but some options are by colour change, adding one or two * or adding
>or changing an icon in the tab. One of these should be used if the
>save actions are permanently available, what do people think?
We already have red-coloured tabs for changed files, red-coloured