Thanks. But I still don't know how to do it. Obviously, I wouldn't like to
browse C source files. In fact it was about 5 years ago when I last wrote a
program in C, so even if I downloaded the sources, it wouldn't help.
A quick search of the manual for regex finds for how
the regex is used

I could setup Geany so that it automatically opens files referenced from error messages (if they are not opened yet). It can also navigate to the good line number. How can I use non-capturing groups in the error parsing regex?

Here is an example. There are two kinds of error messages that I can get - because there can be an error in the compiler that I'm working on, and also there can be an error in the file that is being compiled:

Error message (type one):

File "/home/gandalf/Python/Lib/shopzeus/scripts/", line 23, in <module>

Regexp (type one):

\s*File\s\"([^\"]+)\", line (\d+), in\s*(.*)

Error message (type two):

/home/gandalf/Python/Lib/shopzeus/demos/ssdl/test/test.ssdl:53:9:Syntax error

Regexp (type two):


Both of these errors can happen then I press F8, so I would like to capture both messages if possible.  This is what I have tried:

(?:\s*File\s\"([^\"]+)\", line (\d+), in\s*(.*))|(?:([^:]+):([^:]+):[^:]+:([^:]+))

But it does not capture errors in the compiler. Maybe my regular expression is wrong. Or maybe the non-capturing group "?:" does not work.

Here are some things that don't work:

Otherwise, I'm quite satisfied now. :-) Thank you for your help!

